What happened to the Post a Poll function?

I was going to do just that over on MPSIMS, when I noticed that there was no option, at least that I could see, at the bottom of the page to post a poll. What gives?

You can only post polls in IMHO, not MPSIMS. I think it’s always been that way.

It’s not enabled in MPSIMS – you can do it in IMHO (or the Game Room or Cafe Society).

twickster, MPSIMS (and Cafe Society) moderator

Thanks. I just figured it out… and then posted without enabling the poll function. It’s Monday. And I suck.

No biggie. Go ahead and redo with the poll, then ask the mods to close the poll-less one. (Click the triangle at the upper right-hand corner of the post for “report this post.”)

I’ve closed the original no-poll. Go ahead and redo it.