What happened to the SDMB?

Even if that was indeed a “good thing” (which I can wrap my head around, even if I don’t agree) it doesn’t justify voting for Trump. I didn’t say nothing good came of Trump’s election. I said there was no justification for voting for Trump. In other words, even if you think he would do some “good,” (Supreme Court, not Hillary, whatever) that doesn’t excuse the stain on our nation his election has caused.

Yeah, you fuckin’ double-nouner! Spare us your dissatisfaction complaint!

Ah, a “they don’t agree with me they are a troll” troll.

Maybe as others stated, it is me. You definitely fit the bill to what I was describing in #3. I will clarify something for you though. I am right leaning and to be certain (wasn’t always that way) a libertarian. I don’t worship guns, but I don’t shit on the rights of those who want to have them as guaranteed. I don’t hate government, but am suspicious as anyone should be.

Get over yourself.

What has happened is that all that shit has started to *really *matter.

In my life, up until now, who was in the White House didn’t have much effect on day-to-day lives. Reagan-Bush-Clinton-Bush II-Obama, did it really matter if one of them had lost the election to their opponents? The 80s would still have been about cocaine and the end of the cold war, the 90s would still have been about grunge and the collapse of the Soviet Union, the 00s would still have been about 9/11 and Osama bin Laden.

But now? We have a president who is clearly in the pocket of a hostile foreign power, who is enabling the worst elements of US society domestically, who is at war with every aspect of the government and civil society that don’t toe his line, no matter where he randomly draws it on any given day, and who is alienating military allies and trading partners all over the world. This is all fundamentally at odds with what Clinton would have done had she won the election. And it all bodes ill for the continuation of the US as a moral influence on the world.

So yeah, now all that partisan bickering that used to just be about who gets to raise or lower taxes by 1% is now about the future of US democracy, and it’s place in the world. So now it matters, and people are going to talk about it because of that.

In your opinion. Which happens to be utterly wrong.


This is a bit like saying “I’d really hate to be shot in the leg, so I’m glad I was shot in the heart instead.”

Well I just did a quick review of the first page of GQ, which in my browser is 150 posts.

There were only 8 posts (5%) that related to Trump/current political policies/the political divide.

There was one post that related to the issue of race.

There were no posts related to police activity.

I have been working hard to stay away from current political news and references to the President. Meanwhile, here are a few recent GQ posts that I found interesting and informative.

Regarding AncestryDNA and one’s child
Are the cremains of different people ever mixed together at a crematorium
Three questions about the largest (ever) living organism
Alpa Francovka… the fuck is it?

That people can still with a straight face act like Clinton being in charge would have been worse is why I worry a good portion of our electorate is actually delusional. All that would have happened under Clinton is a continuation of Obama’s policies. So more of 2009-2017. When everything was getting better for everyone.

Instead we have a president who is fighting the very underpinnings of our democracy. And people wonder why we tend to accuse you guys of misogyny. It makes more sense than really thinking the known con man who flat out said he would treat everyone horribly was better than the woman.

As for the OP: are you a sock? Because you seem to be whining about the way the board has been since Trump’s election. Do you not get that all intelligent people oppose Trump? Even our long-time conservatives came out as hating Trump. He is fundamentally opposed to all of our American ideals. He appears to be colluding with a foreign power, but, even if he isn’t, he sure is cozying himself up with one now that we fucking KNOW hijacked part of our elections.

He opposes a huge portion of what America actually stands for. So we oppose him. And we oppose the fascistic fucks like you who try to defend him with your lies.

Have you tried being the change you want to see, instead of a being a whiny little bitch?

That coming from you of all people is great comedy.

Have you tried being the change you want to see, instead of a being a whiny little baby?
I’m just wondering if it sounds different coming from a different poster. (Please disregard the word change; I just don’t like the slur ‘bitch’.)

(6) That Starving Artist ever has anything simultaneously true, useful, and important to contribute to any political discussion.

NO, it is NOT.

Nuclear annihilation of the human species would have also kept her out of the WH, and it would not have been worse than what we got. If you’re too STUPID to notice this PATENTLY OBVIOUS FACT, then fuck you. You are as much of an America-hating fuckstick as the vermin currently befouling the Oval Office.

Or declawing cats or whether pit bulls were vicious or sweet. We could get *pages *out of those topics.

I didn’t see that movie. Could you help me out a little? How did it end?

Whatever you think of me, I am the change I want to see, though I will totally cop to being pretty lazy about it.

Wow, just wow.

It’s you.

I’ve come back to the beginning of this post after writing all that stuff below. I came back to say that for those who want a short tl;dr version of it, it’s the following:

It’s you. You’re a right-wing nut.

“Fit the bill to” is not a phrase in any language that I’m familiar with. It must be another Trumpism. But I infer that whatever it is you’re trying to say has something to do with Trump. If you don’t see that Trump is both dangerously unqualified and entirely unprincipled, to an extent unlike anyone else who has ever been in that position – someone who is an international embarrassment to the US and to every American in it, a danger to democracy and to the domestic and global economy, a danger to the peaceful world order, and the adoring puppet of a Russian dictator who is an enemy of the US specifically and western democracies generally, then you are totally blinded by narrow-minded ideology and a complete absence of perspective on the world.

No, I don’t think any clarification from you would be very productive, thanks anyway.

You betcha; you are so “right leaning” that you’ve leaned all the way over and fallen into the swamp and got yourself all covered in shit.

The only thing worse than “right leaning”. The anarchists who believe government has no legitimate role whatsoever except to protect their guns and property. Most of them haven’t figured out that their ideal role model was pre-2004 Somalia. Sadly, even Somalia now has a working government. Their libertarian paradise has come and gone.

You worship guns.

Instead you shit on the rights of those who would prefer not be shot, including school children. You even shit on incontrovertible evidence and plain logic by claiming that “culture” is responsible for the extraordinary off-the-charts level of US gun violence, not gun availability. This thread is not a gun debate, but I’m just pointing out what a fucking immoral and disgraceful moron you are, just like the guy you voted for. Those of us who live anywhere else in the civilized world outside of the US are quite pleased that we and our children live in relatively safe countries. If you believe that we shit on the so-called “rights” of gun nuts who want unlimited and unrestricted access to every kind of gun in any quantity, then let me say we’re quite proud to be rational members of the human race.

You hate government. You just admitted it. You’re a fucking libertarian. I’m not suspicious of government. They’ve never harmed me. They regulate commerce to keep it fair, they regulate the banking industry to keep it healthy, they’ve kept the housing market marvelously robust, they regulate broadcasting and run public broadcasting to keep it balanced and competitive. They pay me a regular pension. They administer my health care coverage. It works just fine. I have no reason to become a paranoid lunatic about government.

I’ll try, thanks.

That sound you hear is me applauding.