What happened today??? 7/5/06

I don’t know if it was included as part of the contract when the Board went pay-to-play, but I thought it was a nice gesture. When Hurricane Isabel came through here a few years ago, we lost cable and phone for about a week. We received no compensation at all. The phone company rep was nice enough to explain how I could forward calls to my cell phone, but that was it.

That sort of thing is why I’m beginning to think we need to start executing the executives at phone and cable companies; three or four beheadings and the rest will fall into line.

I was just going to open my mouth and say when Verizon did something to their DSL connection and I couldn’t get on for a whole weekend they made no gesture of extending our contract for even an hour, and then BiblioCat beat me to it, and then you came up with the perfect remedy to it.

Wow, that was all one sentence???

You think too small.


Sounds good to me.

Semicolons; serious business.

My experience has been the opposite: I’m shocked to get a credit.

My cable goes out probably two times a month (which also takes down my internet) and I’ve never gotten anything more than a “sorry.” As I said in my first post, Hubby has had a lot of frustration with this. One of his games was once down for nearly two weeks and he still had to pay the full monthly fee.

I have to disagree with you. Comapnies who care enough about their customers to give some sort of compenastion when their service fails should be commended. They should know that their customers really appreciate it.

You can’t stop the signal.

Standards for such things seem to be falling to a deplorable extent. I would be inclined to blame the way the cable and telephone companies operate on an increasing consolidation within those industries . . . but I suppose this is the wrong place to discuss the consequences of unfettered capitalism . . .

I’m sure it was peanut butter on the vertical rectifier.

That’s it, in a nutshell. When I couldn’t get on, and then got the hardware message, I thought, "“Eh, I guess they had to go buy a batch of new hamsters. I’ll try tomorrow.” No big deal, really. I had a bunch of real-life stuff to do, anyway.

Was the board even out for a full 24 hours? I think popping an extra day on was a nice gesture. I’ve been jerked around by various companies so much that little things like this stand out that much more.

What is this real-life I keep hearing about? Can I pick one up at the store? :slight_smile:

Moderators aren’t allowed to have real lives. You must dedicate yourself entirely to the whims of the SDMB PuppyGods.

Or so I hear.