What happened with the Hillary email scandal?

He did? Well, that certainly settles that!

People don’t actually go to jail for media created scandals.

Yeah, I can sleep easily now.

The article doesn’t actually say what is likely or what the investigation may or may not be mostly about, because there’s no way for outsiders to know at this point. The FBI has the option of recommending that criminal charges be filed or declining to do so. Predictions at this point have nothing more to go on than speculation and spin.

Well, they already announced it to Tom DeLay, apparently. Or maybe he’s just full of shit.

They may have discovered that Cruz is a space alien, too. But I’ll reserve judgment until there’s actually reason to believe so.

Nothing. Nothing happened with the Hillary email scandal. Because we buried it. We made it go away. Our outlets won’t report on it, or will downplay it - we have all the pieces in place, the hands have been shooked, the deals are made. Maybe if the right-wingers would tone down the morality and integrity, they could learn how to play the game, too. Amateurs.

The silly hopes of the GOP that Clinton would be somehow indicted by the FBI in the middle of her campaign will turn out to be just another fantasy. Americans stopped caring after nothing was found and Bernie Sanders explicitly said “We’re tired of hearing about your damn emails”. Don’t know if he intended it or not, but that effectively killed any momentum it had. If Clinton is elected, I hope she can find some time to send him a grateful present.

We do a lot, compared to the ton of speculation and spin from the right wing media and the mainstream too.

The FBI has reported already that Hillary is not the target of the investigation.

Indeed, but as pointed before the speculation and spin are coming mostly from the right wing. Predictions for almost all of it to end in disappointment for the right wingers are very good.

I’m seeing a high-speed police chase after a white SUV…

Yep, the republicans made Hillary look like the sane one in the room.

Thought it was low speed?

Maybe Hil drives faster?

As far as I can tell, the emails are mentioned with some regularity and all it accomplishes is to make her opponents look like some 21st century version of the Spanish Inquisition. Rabid purists whose interest in the truth is [del]second[/del] way below the need to DEFEAT Clinton.

Go ahead. Beat the drum now. It’ll make the General Election all the easier.

The problem is that high level appointed or elected officials regularly mishandle classified information, so if they went after Hillary they would have to go after all those others as well. Something that would have gotten you or I in jail for security violations is ignored when the appointed or elected officials do it. So, in a sense the Republicans yammering about this are correct…she should be investigated and probably charged criminally. However, the reality is that she isn’t going to be for the same reason Congress critters aren’t investigated when they leak sensitive information. And the Republicans yammering for her head over this know that, since it would be a lot of their asses as well if the FBI or anyone else ever brought the hammer down, since the hammer that smacks Hillary could equally smack any of them as well.

Right now it is the lead story on Yahoo!, it’s on the front page of cnn.

Buried in plain sight! Brilliant!

State has now agreed that there was top secret material there.

And on the Washington Post site:

and the Associated Press:

and ABC news:

and the BBC:

and Reuters:

So it’s pretty obviously almost forgotten, except by a few Repubs out on the lunatic fringe.

Actually, I am not quite sure they would.

The F.B.I is in a tricky spot. They are investigating the leading Dem presidential candidate or her most trusted assistants right before an election. This is a highly partisan issue with the Dems claiming it is no big deal and the 'Pubs claiming it is the end of the world.

The F.B.I. could seriously affect the election. If they were to jump too fast one way or the other they would be hammered upon by whichever side gets pissed for losing on this issue.

So I don’t think that the F.B.I. would run screaming into the streets as soon as they found something. I think the more likely response would be to hand it off to someone else and duck to avoid the splatter when it invariably explodes into a giant partisan bloodbath.


But not necessarily classified at the time it was sent and received.