I watched the Deadliest Warrior Vampires vs Zombies and found out some truly depressing things that have recently happened to my favorite bloodsuckers. Now instead of the classic vamp fangs, they just have a mouth full of daggers…WTF! I don’t watch modern horror movies, mainly because they have no horror and are all about the gore, to me they should’ve made another category for the gory shit and left horror alone…even suspense/ thriller seems to be gore focused. Putting that aside, however, now they’ve amped up the gore factor for vamps, they just rip the side of your neck open (a lot like zombies IMO), and drink from a gushing wound, plus, vamps are no longer seductive…again: WTF!
I remember the good old days, when vampires were horrifically charming, you actually wanted Bela Lugosi to sink his fangs in you (or at least the ladies did ;)). Back then, they didn’t even show blood, and I was almost convinced that vampires didn’t even swallow the blood, they just sucked it through their teeth like they were straws or something and it went directly into their veins. Vampires, IMO, also get stronger as they age, increasing their strength and vampiric powers, even in Anne Rice’s books vampires could reach un-imaginable levels, and when they’d sleep for a couple centuries, they’d awaken when multiplied abilities. Which brings me to my next concern, specifically about the Vampires vs Zombies episode, if the vamps were really old and had extreme power, they’d hardly be threatened by a few walking stiffs, in fact it wouldn’t matter how many zombies there were, one vampire ancient could take on an infinite amount. Contrary to Anne Rice, I like to think that an old enough vamp can venture out into the sun without risking anything more than a sunburn, which would heal after stepping out of the sun for a bit, especially after some feeding :).
I realize this is a silly thing to even discuss, vampire lore changes of course, as does any lore, but these movies, like 30 Days of Night (which I didn’t even realize was a vampire movie since I’ve never seen it), they’ve taken these elegant creatures and turned them purely into monsters, not that they weren’t already, but now they’re just barely above zombies anyway. If their only thoughts are for feeding, then there’s little left to set them apart in the monster world, they might as well be werewolves.
Thoughts? Am I just holding on to something that’s as dead as these mythical characters? Opinions on 30 Days of Night and movies like that?