What highly prominent individuals died the same day?

Not sure about Theodore, but some men might desribe this as “the jackpot.”

In case you didn’t understand, Roosevelt was married to his first wife when she died. And the mother was his own mother, not his mother in law.

And he took it very hard. Left his daughter Alice to be raised by family and headed west to the Dakota Territory, IIRC, to be a rancher for several years as he coped with his overwhelming grief.

No, it was McCambridge who was speaking. But in an uncanny coincidence, it was Schott who wrote the dialogue.

TV producer and executive David Angell and political commentator and author Barbara Olsen were both murdered on September 11, 2001.

Jim Henson and Sammy Davis Jr. both died on May 16, 1990

Buddy Holly, The Big Bopper and Richtie Valens on February 3, 1959. I think somebody wrote a song about it.

Oh. Not so funny then.