What if anything did Canada do with Respect to Iraq's Gassing of the Kurds

Sorry, I know It’s homework, but googling “Anfal campaign” +canada isn’t doing anything, the top link :http://www.gendercide.org/case_anfal.html doesn’t work, and all the rest of the pages seem to be random news sites that have Canada written half way down the page.

So could anyone tell me if Canada did anything in response to the Gassing of the Kurds?


Not very much. They participated in the second Gulf War in 1991, if that’s any help. Perhaps you can give us the full question / topic…

The full question is as follows:

Evaluate the rile played by Canada in addressing, stopping, and preventing human rights violations (I had a list of choices, I chose the Gassing of the Kurds, because I figured it would be more interesting than some of the older rights violations)
[li]Background of the event[/li][li]Role of Canada[/li][li]Should Canada have intervened[/li][li]Why or Why not[/li][li]Explain what Canada did do[/li][/ol]

I can do all but the last one. It seems like Canada really did nothing (I imagine there was some Diplomatic kerfuffle, but I cannot find anything to that effect either) no one wants to make a website that says “Canada did not play a role in the Gassing of the Kurds”. It would be nice if a university, etc made a website like that so that I could stop looking.

More than most, if only in words:

But then there’s this, from a Muslim site:

The OP’s followup post sounds dangerously like a homework assignment…

As does the OP

Do your own homework.

This is closed.

DrMatrix - GQ Moderator