What if Obama dies

Depends on how you want to define “close” - Dubya actually may have been killed if it wasn’t for the fact that the hand grenade thrown at him had its pin stuck on the handkerchief it was wrapped up in.

It seems that most would-be assassins and successful ones alike have tended to be stupid. I just don’t want to rely on their stupidity. I want the Secret Service to keep it stepped up a few notches at all times and I want to be sure that Obama doesn’t pull a Benazir Bhutto. No unnecessary risks. Please. These are what ifs that I really do not want to have to know the answers to.

I’m no royalist either but that wouldn’t prevent me from feeling utterly fucking revengeful.

My Queen, the Head of State had been assassinated by some knuckle dragging moronic twat, what am I expected to feel.

This is my country and she was its ruler, nobody gets away with killing her, nobody

I uderstand what you’re saying, and I’d have much anger and feelings of hatred and vengeance toward the murderer of Obama, a self-made man and champion of all that is good. For the murderer of my so called ruler? If she was done in by a crazy, s/he’d be found and get his/her comeuppance (I can’t think of a better word right now, sorry) pretty sharpish. But if it was a plot, and the plotters found to be in foreign lands, I wouldn’t want my country going to war, to turn over every rock, to bring the killers to justice by killing the innocent and the bystanders.

really? Since when do we vote for parties in this country? That sounds more like a parliamentary setup then our system. If that is the case and it were to happen I’m sure it would shock lots of people in this country. :dubious:

The rules in this area are loose and date back to the sloppy outdated system of the electoral college. In theory most of these electors could change their votes. We did not elect a President on Tuesday, we technically elected the members of the Electoral collage.

And nor would I want innocents to be killed. BUT remember this:

The Queen has been assassinated, she is an innocent.

He who pays the piper calls the tune

What Exit?, exactly. The electors can vote for whoever they want to but as they are generally loyal party members they would likely vote for the VP-elect as President if the DNC so endorsed. Now what they would decide to do if the DNC wanted to put someone else there - say they decided that Hillary should be President if Obama was to die before the electoral college voted, and Biden said he wanted the job anyway, that’s another circumstance. After the electoral college has voted it’s Biden I’m fairly sure. What if they are both dead before being sworn in?

The Master Speaks. Humorously, he uses Reagan & Bush as examples. If the President-elect dies after the electoral college votes, the VP-elect becomes President by law.

Eh, it’s an edge case. Hasn’t happened (well, a losing candidate died, but never the President-elect), likely never will. What would you suggest if the Pres-elect dies between the election and electoral college vote - another election? Delay the inauguration and leave the incumbent in for a while?

Supposing an asteroid hits Earth before Obama’s inauguration, and all humanity is wiped out except cockroaches, hmmmmmmm… I guess cockroaches would rule the World. Right?

Man, some of you are something else.

I ask a simple straight forward question and you chirp up with this nonsense.

Man, you are something else

If the plotters were found to be in foreign lands then I would expect your country to lean very heavily on that country to turn over the perpetrators. If it was found to be a government sponsored thing then that is an act of war and dealt with accordingly.

IIRC there are some protocols in the international world that are no-noes to violate. While they do not have the force of law (doubt they are even written down but not sure) one is to not kill other heads of state. The reasoning being any state, even a small one, could probably pull off the assassination of another leader. The world would become a monster mess if diplomacy was done via assassination attempts. No ruler wants to become a target so it does not behoove them to make other leaders a target and get that whole mess started.

In a pinch of course the country with the dead head-of-state could assasinate the assassins. Pretty sure this is what Israel did to the terrorists that killed their Olympic athletes. Not to mention I think Israel ran around post WWII after Nazis who escaped and kidnapped them back (or killed them…not sure).

I might even go further-the kind of leaning on I might have thought would go somewhat as follows:

“Turn them over, or we’ll come and get them.” I can’t imagine the government considering a refusal to help pursue the perpetrators to be less than an act of war.

Well…I waffled a bit on that because while we probably would say that to Togo I seriously doubt we would say that to China.

They already did for eight years. :wink:

Though i Know if obama were offed, some conspiracy theorists would be lookin at Hillary.

The Secret Service is ready for the challenge. It’s why he made his victory speech surrounded by 10-foot high bulletproof glass barriers and why there was a no-fly zone overhead. It’s also why there are now double the number of SS agents protecting him (30 when it used to be 12). It’s also why SS agents prepared for the event by getting on various public buildings in the area and using a laser to pretend it’s a gun to see if anyone could get a clear shot.

In short, the Secret Service knows the challenge ahead of them and I think they’re up for it. It really is unfortunate most of the threats are simply because he’s black, but you just have to have confidence in the SS and their ability to do their job.

Treat it as if he were president. VP, then Speaker if both die as was proposed. I understand the Electoral College, and also understand it is understood while they have the power it is expected they vote the will of the people. A party choosing someone not on any ballot seems like not something many Americans would stomach.

That’s not how I felt when Reagan was shot.

Posthumous electoral votes were disallowed by the House in 1872, when Horace Greeley died after the popular vote but before the electors cast their votes.

Grant had secured an electoral majority against Greeley, so it didn’t make a difference when the electors gave their votes to several different candidates. I imagine that in the case of 2008, were Obama to die prior to the meeting of the electoral college, the eventual result would be that no presidential candidate receives a majority of electoral votes and the House ends up choosing the president.