Venus has a day longer than its year (243 Earth days vs. 224.7 Earth days). If our planet had a similar set-up, how different would our civilization be? Would we all congregate as a herd and follow the daylight around the planet? Would half the planet go through a major economic and psychological depression for half a year every year, resulting in a weird cyclical economy?
I know that if people evolved on such a planet that we’d have ways to cope with it, but what if we were to colonize a planet like this? How would the typical human body/psyche react to this weird calendar? I know a similar breakdown in day length happens around the Arctic circle, where it’s dark for six months out of the year, but not many people live around the Arctic circle, and they still use the same “definition” of a day that other people do and live on a 24 hour schedule. If we colonized Venus (not possible, I know) would we struggle to keep ourselves on an Earth-like schedule or invent something new?