I got this yesterday, so here ya go…
**ATTN: Brent Lumkin ,
Due to my careful search for an honest, reliable and
sincere business partner, i got your contact from the
internet and i ask if you can be trusted not to break
an agreement? Still, it took me time to make up my
mind to contact you and to offer you this proposal of
mine of which my whole life depends on.
Dear, my name is BANGOURA B.KABILA the son of the late
president DR.LAURENT KABILA,the former president of
old and presently residing in DAKAR-SENEGAL in West
Africa under political asylum.
My mother happens to be a nurse whom the late
president had an affair with during his life style as
a play boy,and the affair resulted to my birth,but it
was unfortunate that the late president did not marry
my mother legaly and as a kind of settlement, for my
mother and i,my father deposited the sum of
Eight Million one Hundred thousand US cash( 8.1
million US.
dollars cash) to my mother for my life inheritance.
my father stashed these sum of money and deposited it
in a financial house in Europe and my name appears as
the next of kin.
After my father was killed by his body guard ealier
last year 2001, and my mother died also ealier this
year just two months after my father’s death, and at
the age of 24 years old,i am left with this huge sum
of money ,and i need a partner who will help me
transfer this money oversea for immediate investment
as i have made up my mind to invest in your country.
Your compensation for your immediate assistance is 5%
of the total money as soon as it arrives your country
while 2% will be for any local and international
expences that will occure during the transfer.
I will like truth and honesty to be our watchword in
this business.
You can contact me through my personal e mail address or via this telephone
Yours sincerely,
…and I replied giving them a line of shit, and they sent me this…
**ATTN: Brent Lumkin,
I write to confirm the reciept of your mail and wish
to thank you very much for making ou time to write me
. I also thank you for accepting to assist m in
transfering my money to your country for investment
which will be to our mutual benefit.
With regards to your response, I wish to state here
that this transaction is real and is 100% risk free.
The money as i told in my first mail, belongs to my
father who lost his life during the war in my country.
I am now here in dakar-senegal where was deposited. I
have been able to re-establish the ownership of the
money with the security and finace company with the
documents that my father left with me.
Now, I am asking you to please, do your best and try
to come here to assist me in depositing this money
into a bank account here for futhrer transfer to your
account in your country. This is because, my statue
here as a refuggue does not permit me to open or
operate a bank account here. Your coming here will
also afford us the opportunity to see ourselfs face to
face and discuss in details on the area of investing
this money when it is finaly transfered to your bank
account in your country.
please sir, I will apprecieate you send to me, your
telephone number in your nest mail so that I can
contact you from here to enable us have a breif
I await for your urgent and prompt response.
Best regards,
Bangura Kabila.**
…now, let’s see a raise of hands of all of those who got this also. What in the world is this just about anyhow? Is it an attempt at a virus, or what? It obviously isn’t any type of chain letter, as most of these are, so it has me confused, and freaked the hell out of me. So tell me, who else has ever got something like this before, and even better…
…have you ever recieved a weirder email than this?