What Irritated You Today?

I irritated me today. I’m expecting a package from Canada so I tracked it and was surprised to see “delivered” when the box was just shipped on Monday. So I bundled up (a whopping 1F out there at the time) and headed to the mailbox. No package. That’s a bit unusual, but so is the awesome delivery time as it was only shipped from Vancouver on Monday.

Sat back down at computer and looked at the delivery information again. It’s still in transit. The “Delivered” text is grayed out. D’oh! :woman_facepalming:

My organization was awarded a multi-million dollar contract to provide a training curriculum for medical students through residents at a few hospitals, one or two of which you might’ve heard of, to help them learn about working with patients who have both an intellectual disability and mental health concerns.

I’m the video director/editor.

I have 23 lectures to record with lecturers, edit, and caption (this last with help) for release by 3/31, and to finish on time, we really need to record everything by Valentine’s day. We started last week.

How many recordings do I have now?


It should’ve been four by this afternoon, but people keep committing to times and cancelling at the last minute. :roll_eyes:

My husband. Apparently I pissed him off this morning, and he came home gunning for a fight. I went in the other room, and he went to bed. Grr…

I need to travel to Los Angeles in April, and booked the flight about six weeks ago, using a credit that I had from a flight I had to cancel last year. The credit was for $250 and the flight for April was for a little over $150, so I had a bit over $90 in remaining credit.

Last week I received an e-mail stating that the flight I booked was cancelled, but the airline re-booked a later flight for me. Unfortunately that flight arrives too late. Today I finally have time to go online and look at my options, and find a different flight that works. Not non-stop like the original but not a bad option. It was $200, but hey, I had enough credit to cover it. I continue to book this flight, picking my seats, clicking all the little check boxes that need to be checked, etc. until I finally get to the payment screen. And there is no way to utilize the credit, the only option was for me to pay the additional fee on my credit card. Thinking that can’t be right I look again to see if I missed anything or didn’t click on the right check box, but no, there was no option to use the credit.

Not happy, I decided to call the airline and of course “due to unusually heavy call volume” (does any call center not trot out this line?) I was on hold. They do offer to call back with 10 or so minutes, so I go with that option. Figuring I have some time I head to the kitchen to get a snack. Sure enough, the call comes in (and under 10 minutes) while I am in the kitchen. I answer the call and start walking back to my computer to relate all the flight information that I have for the new flight. But am not irritated yet.

The irritation is when I get back to the computer to find that the web page was closed due to inactivity and that no information was saved. Normally when something like this happens I curse a blue streak (petty, it’s a trivial problem but sometimes you just have to vent), but I know the only person who can help me is this cheerful woman on the other end of the line. And not only was she cheerful, she was helpful. It took about 10 more minutes, and since this was a schedule change I didn’t have to pay any additional fees.

Now, where can I fly for $90?

On a Friday night!?!?

We live on a dead end road. The only full time people here. Only a handful of weekend houses.

I think one of the houses at the very beginning of the road is now some sort of short term rental/AirB&B or whatever.

So, of course they park on the road. And the County can’t plow our road because the car is in the way. I can squeeze by it. The road is becoming a bit squirrelly even with good 4x4.

The people that rented this are sort of out of luck. The driveway is way too steep for a 2 wheel drive car. I blame the management company or owners for this. Not the guests. They are typically clueless, but often just misled from what the property they rented is.

I’m going to wait until the county plow drivers get aggravated enough before I start making phone calls.

Oh, and a window is down on the car, we just got another 4 inches of snow and the passenger window is down. Starting to wonder it they just said ‘fuck it’ and it’s abandoned. I’ll find out more today when I have to squeeze by it to get to town.


What irritated me today? My absentmindedness.

Used the last of the gas in my 2 gallon gas can for my snow blowers last storm. Snow coming in the next few days and being the smart man I am planned to go to the gas station this morning. Get can from under my work bench, unscrew the nozzle, go to wall cabinet and get some Sta-Bil and dump some in, put the nozzle back on, Sta-Bil back in the cabinet, and open the garage door to the house to tell my wife I will be gone for a few minutes to get gas for the snow blowers. Hop in my truck and leave to go to the gas station. Get to the gas station and no container, left it sitting on my work bench.

This afternoon I will be leaving for a non-existent errand to go get gas. The can is sitting right by my driver’s door to my pickup. Not going to admit to my wife how absent minded I was earlier in the day.

This crap is exactly why I’m getting out of the industry. Ridiculous expectations. And let’s not forget the scope creep. I’m hoping to find something where I can actually help people.

Best I can find is Phoenix at $104. I’ll pass.

No internet service all day today until about 30 minutes ago.

Not so much that I was dying to surf, but that catching up on what I’ve missed will take all the longer and by this time of day I don’t feel like sitting at a desk on front of a PC. ( Nor viewing the web on a smartphone )

It seems I haven’t fell behind as much as I would have thought, making me wonder if the internet outage was much more widespread than I thought.

After putting it off for longer than I really should have, last week I went to the website of a cleaning service and made an appointment for someone to come over at 2pm today to give me an estimate. 2pm came and went with no one showing up, so at 2:20 I called to ask when they would be arriving. The person I spoke to was rather vague about whether there was a record of my request, but did ask if anyone had called to confirm that they were coming. When I said that no one had, she said she would look into it and have someone call me. After nearly three hours, nothing.

This is on top of finding out this morning that my cat’s blood sugar is still elevated after being on insulin for two weeks.

ANOTHER day of a Wind Chill Advisory. At this moment it is -11F with a windchill of -28F. When I woke up this morning the windchill was -38F. The 10-degree warmup didn’t do much.

I drive an hour over terrible roads to a job where nobody else showed up. I was the team leader, expecting two workers to help me. I received no calls, no texts, no responses to my repeated voicemails.

I stayed two hours, told the manager I was leaving, cleaned up, and went home. Eff that crap.

At 2:30am I awoke and had to pee (that was the first irritant). This woke up Rigatoni, the boxer puppy. He decided he would like to go out and pee (and poop) also (second irritant). Then Zeb & Huck decided why not? Let us all go out and pee and poop (third irritant). All three of them went out and took care of their peeing and pooping. After they came in, Rigatoni came upstairs with me and hopped up on my bed (which THANKFULLY has a blanket covering the comforter just for this purpose). I slid back under the covers and instantly smelled dog poop (major irritant). I shot out of bed, turned on my light and started inspecting. Rigatoni had managed to step in fresh dog poop (just one paw - the gods were looking out for me!). I cleaned him up and then went back downstairs following his one paw poop trail cleaning as I went (the final irritant).
:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Getting out of bed at 5:20 am on any work day irritates me, but I don’t know if that counts because the OP seems to be indicating that he wants an irritation specific to TODAY. LOL

Funny you should ask.

Lights out at a few minutes before 1AM last night, woke up at few few minutes before 7AM, took a swig of water and urinated, then tried to go back to sleep…for the next 2 hours. I’d no sooner begin to drift off when I hear backpack blowers running. I thought to myself, who the hell mows grass at 7:45 am in 33F freezing fog? It was “landscapers” laying down pine needles in my neighbor’s yard and using blowers to shape the piles. I put earplugs in, but now between being pissed off about the blowers and the needed sleep I’m not getting, my heart is beating apparently faster…enough so that with the earplugs in, I can feel/hear my pulse pounding and I can’t sleep. Yanked the plugs, almost drift off to sleep, and 2 fire engines race down the road, sirens blaring. Finally I sleep ( fitfully ) from 9 to 10:40 AM. Near 10 hours of sack time and not much over 6 hours of actual sleep.

Out of bed tired and irritable. It’s “my monday”, beginning of my work week and I usually get the shit kicked out of me ( workload-wise ) on my first day back from my weekend.

That’s what irritated me today.

We’ve been mostly working form home for the past 2 years, other than a brief 2 month period when we were back 2 days a week.

Now we’re told to report back to the office AGAIN twice a week.

We’ve proved we can do this from home; why the hell do we need to go back to the office?

So, the recipe for a stew I am making asks for 1 1/2 lbs of stew beef, other stuff, and fresh Thyme. I go to the store and their packages of stew beef are all only 1 lb to 1.1 lbs. Grrrr.

Also, they are out of fresh Thyme. Heavy sigh. So, whatever, I can go to the other grocery store to pick up Thyme. It’s a pain, and I hate making the trip for one very inexpensive item, but yeah, okay. While I’m traveling to store #2, it occurs to me that I should have picked up some Chives (which were in abundance at store #1). Store #2 does have Thyme, but annoyingly, is out of Chives. Grrrr.

No, that irritant is fine! We don’t have to follow strict rules as that would be irritating.

And…I’m a She