What is a merkin...

While perusing through here for my first time I stumbled (no idea how!) upon a very old posting asking what is a merkin, well here goes:
The ancient Turks customarily removed all thier body hair, when the Romans attacked with the usual pillage & plundering, the soldiers dicovered they liked how the Turkish women were free from body hair. Upon returning home they pushed this idea on their own women. The Romans were very big on public baths so as some of the women did start to remove their pubic hair, they would keep it to make a ‘wig’ of sorts that they would be able to wear to the bath houses. So the creation of the merkin was in fact for social purposes that befit the time. Although I wasn’t actually there, to the best of my knowledge, that is the history of the merkin.

The column being discussed is:

What is a merkin? (21 May 1993)

Just a public service announcement from yours truly.

Cecil will occasionally issue updated columns when people post new information. However, I suspect that

is probably a little too vague for Unca Cece’s rigorous standards for documentation. A few cites would be helpful.

Something’s a merkin if it’s not furr’n.

ROFL–I was going to say that I was a merkin, having been born in California, but bup said it better!

The column can also be found on pages 232-235 of Cecil Adams’ book «Return of the Straight Dope (1994)».

Although I’ve greatly enjoyed this colorful and informative repartee, one question goes unasked (or unanswered) – By what means is a merkin secured to one’s anatomy? Mind you, this question is only for purposes of scholary inquiry, nothing purient whatsoever and no practical implications.

A merkin is worn like a g-string. If one is adequately shaved, I suppose spirit gum is also a possibility.

AAAAA! Granny merkins!