This topic has actually come up in two different threads, with two very different Christians saying similar things. In one, FriendofGod has talked about the soul. In another, Libertarian talked about the spirit. In both cases, I questioned them on how they explain people whose personalities change due to head injuries or the like. FriendofGod admitted that he didn’t know the answer. Libertarian said what I quote below.
Lib said:
Except that there is no evidence that a “spirit” exists. We know the brain is there, and we know it can be affected by outside sources, as I described. And we know decisions (including moral ones) come from the brain.
If somebody chooses to be true to his wife, he has made a choice – with his brain. If he chooses to be untrue, he has also made a choice – also with his brain (though other organs may come into play as well).
Sorry, Lib, but they do at least in part come from synaptic discharges. Like I said, what about the good person who turns bad after a blow to the head? I’m not talking about a loss of IQ, but a loss of brain cells that help with moral choices. We know, for example, about Phineas Gage, a railroad worker who had an iron rod driven through his brain by an accident. Gage was not killed, but actually walked away under his own power, albeit with a hole in his head. However he suffered extensive damage in his prefrontal cortex. The prefrontal cortex is believed to be essential in controlling and influencing conscience and behavior. Before the accident, Gage was described as an even-tempered person. After the accident, Gage became argumentative and abusive.
So, was Gage good or evil? Did his alleged “spirit” change when the iron rod hit him?
The same question comes up when dealing with psychiatric drugs. Some people can be truly evil when not on the drugs, but good when properly dosed. So which is their alleged “spirit”?