What is a "Tea Party member"?

I’m not talking about Obama. I’m talking about what you posted. You stated that the reason the tea party didn’t form or wasn’t as vocal during the Bush years is because they “[didn’t] have much to gain marching against [their] own side”. The implication is that Bush/Republicans are the same “side” as the tea party.

YOU are the one with the dirty mind. That concept never occurred to me.

You are seriously mistaken if you think Republicans were not upset with President Bush’s spending.

Though I suppose it it fits in with how proud liberals are of knowing bizarre sexual terms like “teabagging”.

Actually, I think the movement did start due to Bush’s TARP and bailout policies

Did any of em try to find a responsible way to handle war expenses?

[ClausvonBülowinReversalofFortune] You have no idea. [/CvBiRoF]

Cool, self-woosh, I prefer those anyway!

Right :dubious:, conservatives only have “vanilla” sex, and strictly for teh babby furmngz (forgive meh for mixing mai memes)!

CMC fnord!

What part of the sentence did you not understand?

It’s about civility. Anyone using such a term in a political discussion would be insulted if they were referred to in kind.

Do you mean bailout, or stimulus package? Regardless, you ought to change blogs, because your statement is false. The private sector jobs growth drove last months’ job creation, and was the best private sector jobs creation since 2007. And of course, consensus among economists is that the stimulus was effective and diverted us from the death dive that conservative economic policies left us with.

In fact, according to the National Journal, “If the economy produces jobs over the next eight months at the same pace as it did over the past four months, the nation will have created more jobs in 2010 alone than it did over the entire eight years of George W. Bush’s presidency.” Recall that those economic policies were what you spent essentially a decade championing. Its record of production will be bested before Obama needs to even excuse himself to visit the restroom.

How wonderful for you, but completely irrelevant. The important comparison is of course our own previous jobs growth. I hope that everyone here is very familiar with the famous jobs growth chart, which you can see here. So, as you can imagine, we don’t give a shit what last month’s jobs creation was compared to Canada, since Canada isn’t in the process of digging itself out of the Bush/Sam Stone economic shithole.

Nonsense. Complete bullshit.

Weak. And your spluttering will only get more EPIC FAIL as the months pass. You ought to just say thank you and be on your way, because once again more progressive economic policies are the the clean-up crew fixing the conservative shitpile.

Someone who is a Tea Party member could be anyone, any age, any race. In fact, I see the Tea Party as a smaller segment of a larger uprising against all incumbent politicians who have fucked over this country for a couple decades now and have left our economy in shambles, shackled us with two major wars which we are losing, and have stolen vast sums of money from responsible citizens through direct taxation and inflation and given it too irresponsible bankers and Wall Street CEOs.

There are now a number of democrats who are running outsider campaigns tapping into much of the same sentiment that the Tea Party represents. The Political tides are turning in this country and we are on the verge of witnessing a new type of political activism. Finally, we will get past the Left/Right paradigm and possibly take back our country from the corporations, bankers and political establishment (of both parties).

It is completely false and counterproductive to categorize the anger and unrest out there as simply the far right “fringe”. Any and all candidates that want to win in 2010 or 2012 will have to tap into this energy. The same play book that worked in years past will fail this time. Outsiders, third party candidates and populist activists of all stripes have a shot at office. For the first time in a generation.

This is good news, except those who are still riding Obama’s dick:

So that’s a no.
They never did try to budget for their war, they were just ‘upset’ about the cost.
Have they promised to pay the country back for their excesses if they do get in power, or are they claiming to be totally innocent babes in the woods when it comes to squandering the federal dime?
From what I’ve read, it’s the later. They’re trying to scam real Americans into thinking they represent fiscal responsibility, while their track record shows that to be a lie.

Who is they?

Completely false. The segment of racist Tea Party members is incredibly small. This is a tired smear. As if people losing their jobs, having their savings wiped out and seeing their tax dollars used to bail out failed banks and institutions wasn’t enough motivation to protest.

There are many, many libertarians and economically oriented people who were angry at Bush for his out of control spending and violations of civil liberties. This has been going on for decades. The difference is, the shit hit the fan right before Bush was out of office and now people are feeling the effects of unemployment. There is far more motivation to get off the couch and protest policies that are objectionable.

Not to mention, the people such as myself who were willing to give Obama a chance. Now we are feeling betrayed. We saw him stack his economics team with Wall Street insiders and cronies. We saw him continuing Bush era attacks on civil liberties and escalating the wars. Don’t underestimate the voice of those who voted for Obama, but are now opposing him. Dude has been a failure from any rational standpoint.

So what I am seeing is a coalition of disaffected Obama supporters, libertarians and the economically minded who have for more than a decade warned about the deficit and coming economic collapse, and fiscal conservatives who were never supportive of the Neo Con agenda that was spearheaded by Bush, Cheney, Gingrich, Rumsfeld and the rest.

Gerald Celente calls them “the coalition of the cash strapped”. The tool for this revolution is the internet and there will be some major changes to our political process very soon. Circumstances have colluded to get people involved in the political process and take to marching in the streets.

The racists will go back to their minority southern redneck Meth driven hallucinatory rants and gather in their Stormfront inspired segment of the internet bitching about decades settled Civil Rights arguments while the real adults will mount an educated, intellectual challenge to the disastrous policies of this administration. This is the new civil rights movement. A call to reign in out of control deficit spending and hopefully avert a dollar crisis. A call to establish transparency of the Federal Reserve and government in general. A call to restore lost civil liberties and establish equality and justice for all citizens. A call to restore Constitutional government and the rule of law.

You want real change? Jump on the bandwagon.

If the definition of someone who is Republican is “someone who votes for Republican candidates,” surely they are, just as I am (though I lean Libertarian rather than bag full of crazy). You don’t suppose they’re out there voting for Democrats, do you? Sure, we all talk about a multi-party system, but when it comes time to stuff the ballot box precious few are voting for third-party candidates.

“Averting the second Great Depression”? I am going to give you a pass because I don’t like to criticize people who haven’t studied economics and history the way I have. I never blame anybody for ignorance. I blame our media and our piss poor educational system for producing citizens with a lack of proper economic understanding in the way our government works.

Do you think crises just come out of nowhere? A free lesson just for you: When the Federal Reserve system facilitates a Federal government embarking on endless deficit spending through the creation of easy money by fiat, it creates an unsustainable bubble. This is primarily Greenspan’s fault. Bernanke just followed up with the same policies as his predecessor.

The problems we are facing today are the result of a few decades of unsustainable deficits and debt accumulation. When a recession or depression comes, it is the markets way of attempting to re balance the economy and restore health to the market. All Obama has done is attempted to re inflate the bubble by pumping endless money created out of thin air into the economy which only delays the inevitable. Not only that, it creates a larger crisis.

When this stimulus runs out, which it already is, our problems will be that much worse. Tell me, how does propping up failed business and buying worthless assets and dumping them on the taxpayer solve our underlying economic problems? Right, they don’t. In fact, we really have only two options at this point:

  1. Option Number One: We can admit we are bankrupt, cut spending across the board, balance the budget and work to restore international confidence in the dollar. There would be some pain, but it would be felt more by those on Wall Street than those suffering on Main Street at the moment. Then we would provide restraint on the Federal Reserve and not allow them to be so easy with the money creation.

  2. Option Number Two: We can continue to pump in trillions of dollars into our economy and bring on a hyper-inflationary depression and dollar crisis. Did you see what is happening in Greece? That is nothing compared to the riots we will see in this country if we experience a collapse of our currency.
    Its obvious to the thinking person that option number two is superior. We should take our medicine, even if it tastes bad. What the Obama Administration is doing is systematically wiping out the middle class and impoverishing American citizens to save a few of his friends on Wall Street, make sure they don’t lose their Yachts. But what should we have expected. Obama was highly financed by Wall Street. He is a pitchman for the biggest scam in history. We are being robbed blind and you begrudge a few of us with the balls to stand up and object?

One more thing, you said “the end of the recession”? What part of the country are you living in? Here in California things are not looking too good. The only “accomplishment” is that given Obama has dumped trillions into failing businesses (simultaneously debasing the currency and eroding the standard of living of the rest of us), the Dow Jones is up and the criminal banks are making record profits. Um, yay?

There, I gave you a free economics lesson and I didn’t even charge you for it. Its just the kind of guy I am.

How many Tea Party rallies and protests have you attended? You will find, if you actually made the effort, that no two are alike. The overarching “platform” calls for balanced budgets, ending wasteful spending and more accountability in government. Beyond that, there are a variety of different people attending protests of our government that you could call “tea parties”.

There are protests that have been co-opted by the national GOP, and for those events, I agree with you. But they are the minority. The Republican Party believes they can harness this energy for their own uses, but they are mistaken. The people I know are young, diverse, very libertarian, tolerant and well educated.

For myself and everybody I know, I have never thought that Bush and Cheney represented “my side”. I know it hurts that you (assuming you still support Obama) are losing control of the narrative, but this movement is not partisan. A third option for expressing political views is developing and it is not looking good for your boy Obama to not be able to pigeonhole people with the classical right wing, evangelical base. That old coalition is gone.

I don’t know that Obama is worse than Bush or McCain. I guess he could be worse than Bush because he is keeping all of the Bush era abuses of our Constitutional rights and adding his own fuck ups. So, in a cumulative sense, I guess you would be right. If McCain won, I don’t think anything would be different. Not a thing.

And that is the point. The Tea Party is just one expression of the anger that people feel given that they have no real choice with these two parties. The time for these career politicians, with their pandering and allegiance to corporate and banking lobbies is up. People dealing with substantive issues, running nominally as Republican, Democrat or Independent are representing this frustration.

The Republicans hiding behind the skirts of their new and unbesmirched grass roots organization. There’s not really any mystery here, it’s plain for all to see.

By who? I can point you to multiple message boards where the, apparently correct, spelling of Democrat is DemocRAT and I’m sure you know the long history of using “Democrat Party” instead of “Democratic Party”. Hell, if you aren’t fluent in “Newtspeak” you might not even know that the term you’ve been described with is intended to be derisive in the first place.

“Teabagging” didn’t appear in this thread until PatriotGrrrl used it, so just which term isn’t civil? “Tea Party member” :rolleyes:? Can we get them to finally settle on which phrase they want to be referred to without offense? Since, apparently, “Tea Party member” is now on the uncivil list.

I’m very sorry that Tea Party members starting using teabagging to describe their activities, but the well established fact is … they did it first. That some with sympathies to the movement knew the alternate meaning of the phrase but didn’t clue them in is their fault, not the fault of those who saw an obvious joke and ran with it. Who’s fault is it that Maggie Gallagher didn’t check Google before she decided to name the National Organization for Marriage “NOM” after a LoLcat meme, or their “Two Million for Marriage” initiative “2M4M” reads very funny if you speak “personal ad”?
Ignorance sucks.

I’m of the opinion that PALATRing is perfectly acceptable when you’re actually pointing and laughing at “retards”. I reserve the right to dismiss; birthers, truthers, revisionists of all stripes; Holocaust, Waco, Grassy Knollers, etc, flat Earthers, young Earthers, cdesign proponentsists, plane on treadmillists, and on and on. With no concern that my PALATRing isn’t “civil”, the willfully ignorant deserve no quarter.

CMC fnord!