What is extremely common in TV or movies but almost never happens in real life?

I’ve noticed this quite often lately. The scenario is this: a well-to-do couple lives in a huge mansion-like modern home. At some point there is an argument between them and the husband has been banished from the bedroom. You then see the husband trying to sleep on the couch with blankets and a crummy couch pillow. The other scenario would be: an unexpected overnight visitor shows up. This visitor is also shown sleeping on an uncomfortable couch.

I yell at the TV - you mean in that giant house, there isn’t an extra bedroom!!!???

Can’t recall ever seeing these tropes. Sometimes people’s memories just mix up different events. Could you provide an example?

I think its definitely a sitcom trope because they don’t want to have to build a new set.

In real life though, we have a guest room but sometimes if one of us is having trouble sleeping, my wife or I will just go to the couch because going to the guest room requires “post” work (washing the sheets, etc) where the couch does not.

I don’t live in a mansion - but my husband and I are the only occupants of a house that had three bedrooms when our kids lived here. It now has one bedroom , an office and a den/storage room Why would I keep one or both set up as bedrooms to be used a few times a year ? It would have to be a really huge house , not something normal people would live in before I thought there was something strange about not having a guest room. ( After I have a room for the exercise equipment and a library, if there is still another room, I probably would have a guest room.) But that’s at least a nine room house - and the ones I see on TV don’t seem to be that large

Yeah. Okay, sometimes you dont want opioids as you need to stay sharp, but a 800mg Ibuprofen can blot out a lot of pain. I know I have a 'scrip for them.

Indeed, we finally moved into a much larger house. So we actually have a room to set up as the bedroom after we have set up her studio, her office, my office and a storage room. That room is currently just auxiliary furniture storage right now, but we plan to put a bed in there eventually. I’d sleep on the couch, but I have a futon in my office.

Our computer room has a couch that’s really a trundle bed.

(I know this really doesn’t add much to the subject, but I just love saying “trundle bad”.)

I’ve never gotten into a fight that was so bad someone ended up on the couch. Is that really common?

Can you say trundle good?

In 37 years of marriage, I never have but I could definitely see it happening.

…that sounds too much like Brundle Fly

I’ve never in real life seen someone jump into the air and tap their heels together. I have seen people link arms and skip down the street, however.

As a little kid I tried doing this a couple times to see if I could (yes, I could), but I was imitating something I had seen somewhere (Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins?). So it was a case of life imitating art.

Ehh, I do lots of annoying stuff while I sleep. I sleepwalk, snore, talk in my sleep. etc. I like to sleep through the night, and I like my sweetie to be able to as well, so there are lots of opportunities for me to sleep in places other than the bedroom.

I don’t know if it’s common, but I’ve ended up on the couch. Sometimes because of snoring , sometimes because I’m having trouble sleeping, occasionally because I’m so mad I can’t stay in the same room as my husband, forget about the same bed. The part that strikes me as odd is where the wife “banishes” the husband - if I don’t want to be in the same room, for whatever reason, I leave.

I definitely don’t think it’s right, I mean, assuming it’s not so serious you are separating. But just because it’s a shitty way to argue that doesn’t mean it’s uncommon. Still, I’ve never heard an example of this in real life.

I have this annoying thing about me where I can’t fall asleep in the middle of an argument. I need some closure or reassurance or something.

I’m not saying it’s uncommon because it’s a shitty way to argue - I think it’s uncommon because I don’t think there are many people , male or female , who would sleep on the couch because their partner told them to. Rather than saying " You sleep on the couch if you don’t want to sleep next to me."

Yes, I was talking to myself with that bit, sorry for the confusion. I agree.

Speaking of people who share a bedroom arguing, in real life have two siblings ever divided their bedroom down the middle, and required each sibling to keep their things on “their” side of the room?


Unfortunately my relationship with that sibling was never good and never improved. I haven’t spoken to her in over a decade by her choice. I have no contact information for her, I couldn’t contact her if I wanted to short of hiring a PI to find her for me.