What is extremely common in TV or movies but almost never happens in real life?

We were on some farmland, walking through a wooded area, and came upon a bull. Unpenned. So we continued walking nonchalantly away, and the bull ignored us.

Another time we were at Sturbridge Village in central Massachusetts, and a cow had gotten out of the pen. My wife Pepper Mill herded it back into captivity. She grew up near cows. .

Woke up early one foggy morning on Catalina Island and decided to go for a walk by myself. As I gained altitude, the fog got thicker, so I could barely see my feet. Suddenly large brown shapes coalesced around me, and I realized I was in the middle of a few, no, a family, no, dozens of bison. I could feel their breath on me, and I asked one “WHAT are you doing here?”*

I managed to wander through the herd, but it took a lot of swaying to avoid touching any of them. Don’t know how careful I needed to be, they acted pretty unimpressed by my presence.


*Anyone here know? I think I found the area on Google Maps, but no evidence of a fence or an actual pasture…

Bison wander freely around Catalina.

Prosecutor turned author Vincent Bugliosi repeatedly pointed out how uncommon it was to find usable fingerprints at a crime scene, esp. on a weapon. He routinely had to explain this to juries since it was too common of them to assume that if this was the perp, the cops would have found fingerprints at the scene, so maybe “not guilty”?

When I was in grad school the police brought in some items from a murder scene (Including, I think, the suspected weapon) in the hopes of getting DNA residue to fluoresce under intense argon ion laser light. Even with really good cutoff filters, though, we couldn’t get anything. Those nifty high-tech solutions don’t always work, either.

Actually, I would’ve been surprised if they got anything useful – the surfaces weren’t smooth and even, the kind you’d want for readable prints. It didn’t matter, though. we didn’t get fluorescence from anything.

There is, of course, an XKCD about that.

My pet theory is that in real life, the kid at the beginning of Jurassic Park who made fun of the ‘six-foot turkey’ never got a talking-to from Dr. Grant, and grew up to produce several of the movie’s sequels.

Johnny Cash fought an ostrich to (at best) a draw.

Could’ve been worse. Could’ve been a photoracus (although the film calls it a “giant chicken”. There was supposed to be a “prehistoric creature” aspect that was lost during production.

Archie Goodwin has! :stuck_out_tongue:

Pretty much almost nothing does. The Great White attack because they think you are a seal, and there are many accounts of a swimmer bitten once and spit out. Of course, that can still be lethal.

When a couple are having sex on TV/movies but they’re trying to keep the sex scene as tame as possible they’ll have both people completely underneath the covers and have them make sounds like they’re being tickled. You’ll also see the bed sheets flapping around like both people are on their backs and moving the sheets with their hands and legs (which they most certainly are)

I’ve been chased by an ostrich, crossing a field while doing geological mapping in uni. Luckily we were most of the way across already before it spotted us, because those things are fast.

I like to recount it as “that time I was chased by a huge cock”

Not really a country kid, but been in rural areas enough. Put me in the category of “knowing when to not go into that field.” Been in fields with dairy cows a lot. They tend to not care. But strange bulls/steers meant find another route. I think a lot of people are not smart enough to figure that out.

Neither here nor there. A goldfish will not eat me even accidentally, so them I would not want to kill.

Well, it is The Beast with Two Backs.

What?.. Oh.

That is true. :grinning:

Or when the woman is wearing a bra or camisole. Yes, the producers want to hide her sweater monkeys less they invoke the wrath of the FCC. Mind you, it’s been a few years, but every woman I’ve ever been intimate with (including the Mrs., rest her soul) prefer not to wear so much as a hanky during conjugal relations, let alone be covered by a sheet.

Yeah, just so. I understand showrunners wanting to keep the sexy bits PG, but I’ve never known any woman to keep her bra on for a second longer than needed. Hell, Mrs. SMV loses hers the minute she walks in the house, even if she has nothing more planned for the evening than eating pizza and binge-watching This Is Us.

I don’t know if this has been mentioned yet, but it always irritates me -

After the couple has sex, the woman wraps the sheet and/or blanket around her when she gets out of bed. My first thought is, “now the bed has to be completely remade!!”

Another odd trope I’ve noticed recently: if you wake in the night thinking you’ve heard a burglar moving around downstairs, then of course you reach for the handy torch (flashlight) that of course you keep on your bedside table, in order to creep downstairs vaguely pointing it here and there, rather than do anything rash like, oh I dunno, switching the lights on.

Not just home owners vs. burglars - apparently TV/movie police training is to never turn on the lights. Much better to walk around in the dark with 1,000 lumen flashlight on your weapon showing the bad guys exactly where you are.

I think it was the original John Wick where he shot all the bad guys in the dark house by aiming at their flashlights.