What is McCain's message on Obama?

Above all else, a president has to be a leader and an organizer. McCain, being driven by his advisors, and Palin perhaps, to go negative, is hardly acting as a leader. The chaos of the message hardly makes it seem he’s a good organizer. He’s either a skilled politician with a hateful message or a tool of those he should be leading. I agree, not a man to trust with the presidency.

After all two years of doing a job well is far better as experience than 20 doing it poorly.

They say timing is everything, and let’s be honest, the timing of this is suspicious to say the least.

Unless I missed some new nugget, all of this “shocking information” about Obama and Ayres has been vetted and discussed since the early days of the Primary Election. If there was a single unturned stone in that story, do you think Hillary (or Fox Gnaws) wouldn’t have brought it up?

Are they suddenly going to run ads on October 31st claiming to be shocked to discover that Obama’s father was, ohmygod, from Africa?!

This is the usual attempt of a desperate campaign to distract voters with things that are shiny and keep them from discussing things like the economy, war, health care and, you know, that other unimportant liberal crap stuff.

The second part is easy. For the first part, keep in mind this maxim: do not discard the good while waiting for the perfect.

Who knows? Maybe jtgain senior is saying to his buddies:

“My ‘one step’ is getting over what I have thought for my whole life, and making sure my son never finds out if I do vote for Obama.”

you never know. :slight_smile:

McCain is desperate, Trying to tie Obama to a terriorist who when Obama was only a young boy. I wonder, would McCain and Palin spread the same things about the present Pope? The pope as a boy was in the Nazi youth movement. McCain semed to imply that because Obama worked on an education project with Ayers he is paling around with terrorists. I say, Shame on Palin and shame on McCain, they both are touted as “Good” christians yet spread such dirt.


The beauty of “he pals around with terrorists” is that many of their potential voters immediately assume that means Arab, Muslim terrorists, because they believe Barack Obama is a stealth Muslim and a half-Arab passing as a half-African.

Then when they refer to Bill/William Ayers as “Willie Ayers,” it makes the unconscious mental connection with Willie Horton, a scary murderer who was black.

It’s amazing what misinformation if floating around out there, accepted as truth.

I thought the McCain campaign was talking about George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, or John Adams. Didn’t they “pal around” with terrorists - and far more than Barak Obama?

How about an ad that questions McCain’s self control. After you read the article at…

…click on the video beneath it.

Meh. I don’t buy any of that. Like anything else, there is probably an element of truth to it, and a lot of it is exaggerated. If McCain was that explosive, he would have been arrested a few times for it…

Splendid rebuttal. You’ve convinced me.

Just don’t let him close to any buttons that you wouldn’t want Mr. Smithers to push.

If McCain’s “message” seems incoherent, consider the tips he’s getting from his frellow GOPers:

ADVICE FROM GOP LEADERS: He Should Highlight Rev Wright, Ayers… He Shouldn’t Highlight Rev Wright, Ayers… He Needs To Show “He Really Knows How To Strengthen The Economy”… He Needs To “Change The Subject To Something Else”… He Should “Essentially Go Back To The Basics”… He Needs To “Focus On A Single Message”…

I almost feel sorry for the SOB. :D:D:D

Really? The same was as a Navy pilot who’d dropped several planes due to bad judgement and assing off would lose his wings and be grounded? Like that?

I howled with laughter at the article (again at Huffington Post) in which Rick Davis, McCain’s campaign manager said On Fox News, that he wants Obama to apologize for John Lewis’s remarks about McCain’s George-Wallace-level of hate stoking.

I’ve gone back to HP to find that story, but I can’t. It’s so fucking bizarre, I must be making it up it up. :rolleyes:

Look, while I believe that Obama is the best bet for president, I’m not comfortable with the prevalent charge that McCain’s attempt to link Obama with Ayer’s as a terrorist, with Rezko as a felon, and Wright as a subversive racist shit disturber is unwarranted. In each case Obama associated himself with these people as his benefactors financially or spiritually. At best he used these people (I personally don’t have a problem with that), or at worst he lacked judgement or just plain naive.

On the other side we have Obama linking McCain with Bush. Never mind that association was not voluntary. McCain was a Republican long before Bush and involved in federal politics even much longer than Bush. Never mind that the animosity between the two has been ongoing for at least 8 years.

Yet given the general contempt throughout America for Bush, far greater than Ayers, I’d say that McCain got the short end of the stick on this particular issue.



http://rawstory.com/news/2008/McCain_temper_boiled_over_in_92_0407.html Do you buy this. His explosive temper has been well known for a long time.

Just a post script, but wasn’t Jesus accused of being a wino and that he hung around with sinners? Would they use that against Jesus if he was running today?

Besmirching a person is a poor way to act as a Christian.


I find it funny that the word “pal” is being dissected since it came out a week or so ago. No one was very interested in what the word “neighbor” meant when Obama used that description way back when.

Whatever the message is, McCain has a perfect opportunity to make it the focal point the last couple of weeks since the libs are so outraged over all the inflaming going on.

<McCain> If you wouldn’t think of voting for a black man because of his skin color… I don’t want your vote. Go away.

A man’s character doesn’t have anything to do with skin color.

Here are the character reasons you shouldn’t vote for him … Ayers, the Reverand…
