What is McCain's message on Obama?

I’d be very interested in knowing why Obama’s “association” with William Ayers, based on the facts we know (not hysterical rantings from nutjob e-mail spams) reflects in any way on Obama’s character.

Do you think the guilt-by-association reflects on any of the people/institutions in this thread? If so, why? If not, why not?

Wait, Obama was a sleazy male stripper? Why hasn’t the McCain campaign brought this up yet?


How exactly did Obama financially or spiritually benefit from or “used” Ayers? It’s my understanding that they sat on the same board of directors. I don’t really see that as an association that benefits one person over another. Seems to me they both just had in interest in improving education in Chicago. Maybe you know something the rest of us don’t…

How could McCain call Obama a decent man. a good family man, et cetera, if any of the charges - Ayers, Wright, Rezko and God knows what else - had any weight whatsoever?

All this negativity is the shit of desperation.

There was that fund raiser hosted by Ayers kicking off Obama’s political career.

I’m speechless !

Thats even worse than this

It was a coffee in his house. I’m not even sure it was a fund raiser, but if it was, it probably raised a hundred bucks, tops. Compare that to McCain strongly supporting Bush in 2004, and voting with him so much of the time.
That is until today.

According to this piece from the Washington Post by the author of The Kite Runner, McCain and Palin are now referring to Obama by his full name, Barack Hussein Obama. Is this a very visible tactic? I have not heard about it other than in this article, but from Indonesia it is impossible to know precisely what it is like in the US right now.

It’s not all that easy to know precisely what it’s like in the US if you’re in the US right now…
I think that Palin prefers to refer to him that way, but I am now actively avoiding her [del]venom and bile[/del] “speeches”.

I hope the article is wrong. Doing this would lower my estimation of McCain another notch, and I’m quickly running out of notches for a guy I not only used to respect, but was prepared to vote for in 2000. :frowning:

I just read the article, and it doesn’t say McCain and Palin are referring to Obama by including his middle name, but that supporters are, which is already known. It’s racist and inexcusable, and McCain should denounce it, but his supporters saying it is not the same as McCain, or even Palin, saying it.

Give it time, dear. Give it time. I have no doubt that M’lady Palin will be using his full god-given name in no time.

Arghh, my reading skills are failing me. I glossed right over “speakers at McCain-Palin rallies” and interpreted it as McCain and Palin themselves.

Still very interesting, but not the same thing.

You couldn’t vote for Jesus either because he hung around with Sinners and was a bleeding heart Liberal