What is "Plump" to you?

Hey it’s a range-type thing, and with models and female athletes hanging out in the mid-teens, BF%-wise, as a bottom-line, I don’t think I’m too far outta line. OK, maybe a little. Will you accept 25-35, 36-40, 40+?

Anyway, this is an IMHO thread, so there! Pthbbbbt…! :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m with biggirl. (And try living when your weight is a comment on your worth to you own parents. sigh)

And just a random comment that this thread has now THROUGHLY depressed me.

It’s depressed me too :frowning:

According to medical terminology, I’m obese.

I used to be thin. Like see-my-ribs thin.

Plump to me brings up images of “plumper” adult websites, which typically contain images of women who weigh 400lbs and over… (I run an adult webring, I visit these sites because I have to validate them)

I typically refer to myself as “fat”

My sympathy to you and Falcon. I, too, am obese by medical terminology, but have always thought of myself as simply “overweight” (whatever euphemism soothes ya).
However, I’ve found this thread encouraging. You see, I’ve stayed between 30% & 35% just about all my adult life. I’m tall, and it’s fairly well proportioned, especially for an “old lady” like I must now admit to being, but I will henceforth gleefully refer to myself as “plump” and refer the doubters to the SDMB. :smiley: