What is the appeal of 'difficult' music?

I don’t care much for Boris, but I do like Earth and Om and Sunn-O)) quite a bit. I loves me some drone with my feedback. :smiley:

Ready for the House, Blue Corpse, Glasgow Sunday are prolly his best, IMO. Especially Glasgow Sunday; I really like that album.

Do you have a source for this particular insight? I’m working on a book of aesthetics and this ties into my argument in interesting ways. I have Leonard Meyer’s Emotion and Meaning in Music but I haven’t gotten around to reading it yet.

I would highly recommend reading Frank Zappa’s The Real Frank Zappa Book, Chapter 8 - All About Music. Frank talks a lot about the role of tension and release and compositional complexity in that chapter.

It’s prolly my favorite chapter of the book, as my initial reading of it caused me to sit up and exclaim “OMFG someone else perceives music the same way I do!” Plus, he put it into words better than I was able to at the time, so that helped me coalesce my own ideas more fully than I was previously able to.

Does anyone listen to Merzbow for fun? Some of the Japanese noise is decent, Boredoms, and even Melt-Banana. I don’t know about him though.

I don’t have any of his solo stuff, but I do have collaborations such as Merz-Banana and Merzbow Null.

There were the bands I thought of when I read the thread title, along with Khanate - add some pure noise to the drone.
Also, all Funeral Doom metal fits. For those not familiar with the genre, very slow, heavy and repetitive extreme metal, with deep, incomprehensible growled vocals. Done well, it’s extremely hypnotic and cathartic. Examples would be Thergothon, Pantheist, Ahab, and Esoteric.

Thanks for those names. I know Pantheist, but the others are new to me. I’ll have to check them out. I agree that when it’s done well, it’s very cool.

The growly vocals are the reason I have purged a couple of freebie death metal compilations from my music library. The music often isn’t bad and I could get to like it; the vocals are a non-negotiable turnoff.

Besides, given that abusing one’s voice tends to cause the development of vocal cord polyps, I don’t want to think about what’s growing in the larynxes of those lead singers.

He’s not my favorite noise artist (his “signal-to-noise” ratio is kinda low, so to speak) but I listen to him here and there. He’s definitely not doing anywhere near the same things as Boredoms and Melt-Banana - he’s more pure noise, while I think of those guys more as noise-rock.