What is the compensation during a conscription?

While reading some info on another board discussing the Selective Service System this question came to mind:

Should “The Draft” be reinstated in the present day, what is the compensation (if any) as well as benefits a soldier would receive for their involuntary involvement?

Or, how were those who served compensated in the past?

My gut is telling me nothing, but I’m hoping I am wrong. This is a gray area for me, obviously.

They were paid and given benefits. I can’t find info on if it was the same if you enlisted or were drafted. The pay is lower than an all volunteer military, but they are paid.

During the 20th century, IIRC, draftees were consistently paid the same as volunteers in the U.S. military. Obviously it was less than the minimum wage, given the hours and risks involved.

It was hard to live on for the family.

Also, it wasn’t until well after the draft had started (or maybe even ended?) for Vietnam that draftees received college benefits.

Co0llege benefits started in WWII. And Vietnam veterans could recieve the as soon as they were discharged.


This doesn’t count all the benefits like the GI Bill or even clothing allowance.

I got my draft notice in 1969 but wasn’t drafted. I enlisted for 3 years (instead of being drafted for 2) so I could get the MOS 91 B, Medical Corpsman. as far as compensation, it was the same as a draftee. I started a 50 allotment to my mother so during Basic and AIT as a PV1/PV2I (E1/E2)had a whole 50 to spend on myself per month.

I got out in 1972 with a take-home pay as a SP4 (E4) of $400 a month. So with the allotment, I must have been making $450 a month. They don’t take taxes from soldiers in a combat zone.