What is the deal with some of you people?


eh it’s not worth it.

How bout as a reasonable solution, whenever tech opens a Pit thread, we all flame dropzone?

Repeat after me: “It is only a message board.”

Tho there is some possibility something pleasant or beneficial may result from your participation, you should seriously reconsider your participation if anything about the boards is adversely affecting your life. And only you can judge that for yourself.

And if someone you think is an asshole says something that might piss you off if you took it to heart, consider the source. If you have no respect for the source, their words cannot affect you.

The frustrating reality of these boards is that you have absolutely no control over how anyone will respond to any of your posts. Hell, it bothers me when on a rare ocasion I slip up and post something I think is pretty sharp in another forum, and it vanishes without a trace. Fuck all you assholes. Them pearls are few and far between! And it bothers me a bit that I’ve been so damn vanilla these past 7 months that I haven’t had a serious disagreement with anyone. But I guess I could change that if I wanted to follow your lead and post a big target on my back.

Well, as much as I also detest the “fuck you all for picking on me thread,” despite the fact that I’ve done it myself (one-trick pony that I am), I will agree with my dear, beloved tech about people misinterpreting or reading into posts. I have had several posts of mine (not the least of which caused Needs2know to declare an undying hatred for me since) read as a slam against someone when it was a genuine question, even if it was only to play Devil’s Advocate.

“It’s just a message board” is good advice (even though I don’t always follow it myself). If somebody asks you a question, particularly in Great Debates, debate the question, not the motivations of the poster. If it’s some kind of deception, it’ll come through soon enough.



You know, a whiny passive-agressive plea for attention and validation after being an instigator is pathetic.

If you need to get your personal validation from this board on your value, seek therapy, and step away from the computer until it stops being your mode of introspection.

People do not come to this board to be your friend or validate you in any way. This is a board for discussion and searching for answers.

If you want people to be nicer to you, stop being such a hostile, reactionary bitch and realize that not everything is about you. My god, you have enough drama for three drag queens.

You know, if one were a newbie, and wanted to check out this claim, they would find this to be completely false. Three pit threads, and only two MPSIMS threads, both of which consisted of you comlaining that this wasn’t the pit. Looking at your recent record, one would assume that you spend all your time in the pit.

I really try not to take things said on this whole board too seriously. I appreciate help when asked for and try not to flame others. I will normaly ignore posts by people that are out of line. I use the board to tap into a great data source, and vent when stuff is overwelming. Out of a group this size people are going to find someone they can’t stand. Please try to turn the other check. I will say though, I found something so vial once, I did send email to the moderator to deal with it. (Racism at it’s greatest.) Many other’s had too.

The boards will be what we make them. Getting petty only degrades the board for all. For an experiment try to make the threads move in a positive direction. “Onward and Forward” Your positive input at the right time can push things back were they should be.

But this is the BBQ Pit. It isn’t for positive white light fuzzy bunny hug-the-earth-sing-kumbaya sentimentality. If you want that, buy and Hummel figurine as you listen to the music of the Carpenters while sucking on a Prozac lozenge.

I’ve spell and grammar checked your document, by the by, and you win the illiteracy crown for 12/14/00 for your post and its lovely combination of poor spelling and misuse of possessives. Have a nice day.

Rule number 15 of the BBQ Pit: If you’re going to flame someone else’s grammar, make darn sure yours is impeccable.

Special Report: Mr. Cynical has invoked Gaudere’s Law

We now resume our biweekly flaming of techchick.

It is called a typo… And one I regretted after I noticed it. But, one mistake and a million are two different things. The flame still stands and you are cordially invited to bite me.

Food poisoning? Never again. :smiley:

Through little fault of mine (for a change) this thread has deteriorated into the usual silliness and our hostess hasn’t been seen since this morning.

Look, :wally , don’t get all self-congratulatory. Who knows what drunken ramblings the morrow will bring?

And I wait on her every word.

Uh-oh, almost forgot :wally you back.

Uh…hooray for socks, er, something.

Does this mean that people are mean?
Seriously though, some of these people can dish it out but can’t take it. One should assume a “board affect” to insulate herself from any similarly vituperative harangues that she has just dispensed. Really, brace yourself and comfort yourself with the knowledge that you are superior in every way and gosh darn it, many people love you! Also, check your cognitive functions. Isn’t it the most Pollyanna act of all time to make an appeal in the pit for mercy? Even if you voluminously tout your virtues?

If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a billion times: Don’t exaggerate!

Was that necessary, Hamadryad? you could have easily just said nothing at all.

Same goes for you.

Oh Hama, you are just rolling your eyes over the last interaction you and I had.

No, I’m rolling my eyes over the fact that it’s obvious that you haven’t had enough attention paid to you in the last two weeks. You should thank me. I got you SCADS of attention and ego-strokes.

Fine, be that way, I never asked you to go beyond what I said but you sure know that part of what I am talking about, it has to do with your last communications with me. Very confrontational.

I have NO idea what you’re assigning this much importance to. I don’t recall having been any more or less confrontational than anyone else, especially to you…unless you mean that I actually say what I mean, instead of hiding behind “some people…” and “those people…” and “some posters…”

You had to make a big deal out of my very small bitch…thank you for giving me proof about what I discussed on my OP.

Rolling my eyes was making it a big deal? Fuck me runnin’. I’m going to have to be careful about how often I roll my eyes, if a mere eye-roll is going to make people think I’m making a big deal out of things. I thought an eyeroll was pretty clearly a casual dismissal. What I’m doing NOW isn’t, but hell…it’s early, I haven’t had my coffee, and no one’s in Medievia yet.

Thank you for your sentiments, it’s very much appreciated but it’s people like Hama that I am confronting in this thread.

“…people like Hama…” Interesting. You, who (by your own admission) doesn’t assume things about people and doesn’t make snap judgements. PLEASE. Please. I beg you. Tell me what I’m like. Tell me what kind of person I am. I’m just aching all over to know.

What I am getting at is that there are so many who will only look at a Pit post/thread and create some idea of what type of person you are. I have seen so many people look to the Pit to see what horrible people we want to see.

I never, ever assume that anything is all about me, or even partially about me. Since you have mentioned me specifically…and directed your bile at me in particular…I think I’m safe in saying that, yes, I am the intended target of some of your vitriol. I stated several times in the past that my impression of you is gleaned from your posts in general, not your posts in the Pit. I’m sorry you’re having trouble comprehending that you’re annoying in other places too, but please stop saying things that are blatantly not true to make yourself feel better. It’s never worth it in the end.

Look if it’s a minor rant it does not require that everyone jumps in and forces the OP to sitting on the bonfire bare assed naked.

In that <scary music> OTHER THREAD </scary music>, I made a short, no more bitchy than normal four-line response. You jumped in my shit like your feet were on fire, then spent another page and a half trying your damnedest to make me look as though I hated you, judged you solely on your pit posts, talked badly about you to others…killed your DOG, for all I know. I refuted every point, and you kept on in your smug, self-assured way, digging yourself deeper and deeper…and then acted all hurt and offended when you realized you were too deep to climb back out.

Oh, and the “I was drunk, I shouldn’t have said that, how stupid of me” defense holds NO water with me. None. If you’re gonna post drunk, be damned sure you have the SPINE to take the kind of shit you’re going to get for it later.

I am serious when I say I have absolutly no place to get rid of my baggage, my hurts, my pains, my most horrible thoughts. If I offend, please tell me but don’t flame me over stupid crap like my bitch over the news interupting (sp) my football game.

I am familiar with the concept, having been there myself several times, and having genetic chemical depression and no health insurance. However, if, for the Gods know what reason, I decided to vent on here in one of my blacker moods, I wouldn’t do it in the Pit unless I was willing to get my ass handed to me on a gilted silver platter repeatedly and with vim and vigor. If you want to bitch, but you don’t want to be flamed for it…for crying out loud, remove a profanity or two and take it to MPSIMS! No one’ll flame you there! Easy solution!

As I’ve said before, I lurked here for a while before I registered. I watched people repeatedly get their feelings hurt in here, and I watched people tell them over and over to buy a fuckin’ helmet. I saw people warned time and time again NOT to venture in the Pit if they were worried about having their iddle-widdle feelings hurt.


I’ve taken every ounce of stupid, thoughtless, deliberately obtuse bullshit that you have spewed about me. The places where you BLATANTLY ignored everything I was saying because you had to make sure you came out of it smelling like roses. The places where you ignored ALL but ONE line of a post because anything else would have been unflattering to you. I have had people at a Dopefest treat me with kid gloves because YOU are their friend and I am the Evil Enemy with a Vendetta against techchick. However, when the other threads died, I FUCKING LET THEM DIE.

What the FUCK is wrong with you? Go to a fucking shrink, get laid, bungee-jump, do ANY-FUCKING-THING, but you have GOT to get a FUCKING LIFE!!! Jesus, I never get out of my fucking HOUSE and from allappearances I get out more than you do. I have three close friends IN THE WORLD and I’m less socially fucking backwards. I get depressed EVERY MOTHERFUCKING DAY, to the point of fucking TEARS, but I am better at coping than you. I spend every day stuck in my house with three small children and no one to talk to and nothing to do, and you have the fucking AFFRONTERY to whine about how SHITTY YOUR SOCIAL LIFE IS?

But you know ALLLLLLLLLLLLL about me and people like me, right?

For. Fuck’s. Sake.

You’re not the only one with problems. Some of us just know better than to get offended when informed that our excrement is JUST as odiferous as everyone else’s.

Fucking attention vampire. Fucking ego-tripper.

Just remember: Karma works.

::runs in with a fire extinguisher::

Oh shit, this ain’t gonna cut it.

::runs out to get the hose::

[sub]Pssssst… kids? Write down in your notebook: “Do Not Piss Off Hama”.[/sub]