In our efforts at eradicating ignorance on the SD, we seem to be a little lax when it comes to basic terms. Specifically, bigotry -– Has anyone noticed how it’s not what it used to be? As far as I know, it used to mean, “buddy, you’ve an unsubstantiated bias which explains why you make no sense,” which has degenerated to mean “You don’t agree with me because I’m a protected class, you asshole!”
I hope I’m not alone when I say… Gwar?
What the heck do we now mean by bigotry? Dictionaries have the meaning as I’ve understood it:
Is it that people are mutating the language for their own political benefit? What makes a bigot in this day and age? Who determines what is narrow minded, and what is unreasoning? Reasonable people? I’d like to believe that, but which of these common occurances are reasonable interpretations of bigotry?[ol][li]A cop who pulls over more black men than white men.[/li][li]A statistics firm that publishes perp skin-tone information[/li][li]A cop who develops an accurate racial profile of drug smugglers coming through his county.[/li][li]A cop who develops an wildly inaccuarte racial profile of drug smugglers coming through his county[/li][li]A religious tract which states that homosexuality is a sin.[/li][li]A fundamentalist who overtly concurs with his religous teachings.[/li][li]A young man who thinks gay sex is ‘icky,’ and refuses to discuss it.[/li][li]A gay man who, upon meeting a fundamentalist at a party, gets up and leaves.[/li][li]A Lesbian couple who refuse to have a male presence in their household, extending this ban to children and animals.[/li][li]A single woman who states that “all men are dogs.”[/li][li]A political campaign which refuses to interview women on the grounds that they lack the toughness to sling mud.[/li][li]A law firm which pays women less based on their lesser career orientation.[/li][li]A police precinct which retires detectives at 65; no reason is ever given.[/li][li]An orator who refuses to appear at an event with anyone younger than 30, on the grounds that “Having foolish youngsters on the panel demeans the event.”[/li][li]A well-known white politician, who crosses the street when followed by a young black man or young latino man for safety reasons.[/li][li]A well-known black politician, who crosses the street when followed by a young black man or young latino man for safety reasons.[/li][li]A black guy who picks fights with white guys who he perceives as racists.[/li][li]A white guy who picks fights with black guys who he perceives as weak.[/li][li]Black children who accuse the successful among them of ‘acting white.’[/li][li]A staff member who threatens to quit at hearing the word ‘niggardly’ in a meeting.[/li][li]Black parents who stage a near-riot upon being informed that their kids’ teacher may have said ‘racial tables’ for ‘ratio tables.’[/li][li]A black politician who stages a anti-racist riot, which culminates in the burning of a jewish store.[/li][li]A white politician who stages a race-riot which culminates in the burning of a jewish home.[/li][li]A federalized security agent at JFK who specially scrutinizes muslim men.[/li][li]A federalized security agent at LGA who detains swarthy latinos, indians, and muslims.[/li][/ol]Which of these are evidence of bigotry and narrow-minded intolerance? For some people, it’s all of them, for others none; where is the reasonable interpretation, the litmus test?
For me, it is whether generalizations are discarded upon meeting an individual. Are there others?
Is the problem founded or compounded by our growing innumeracy? What’s the deal there? When I hear about a policeman who pulls over X number of Black Men and Y number of White Men, I couldn’t possibly care less; for me, it’s what percentage of criminals were caught – isn’t that the ultimate test of bigotry? If the cop is doing his job?
For instance, If the cop were to stop and frisk 100 black men, arresting 80, and 20 white men, arresting 2, to me, he is biased against white men! 90% of the white men are needlessly searched, versus 20% of the black men. Be it his inadequate racial profiling skills, or the statistical facts of the color of crime, he is a better policemen when he focuses on the black men. As far as I can tell, your percentage arrest rate should be the same across all skin tones; In the above example, the profile should be refined, and the attention should be shifted towards the criminal element to pick up the most criminals off the streets regardless of skin tone. Our officer’s numbers, as I see it, should be BL: S&F 115, Arr 92 / WH: S&F 3; Arr 2. Less people stopped, more arrested. Isn’t that the cop’s goal? Any focus on external variables – excepting needful ones to produce accurate criminal profiles – would seem to me to be evidence of bigotry. Since when do criminals have quotas? Hey, I can’t mug that guy, my perp skin tone is over quota?
This all seems so obvious to me – I must be doing something wrong … am I?