What is the first sentence from the book you are currently reading?

“The King is dead!” cried Jackdaw, flopping his wings in fitful, tumultuous flight.

Lupus Rex by John Carter Cash

“More than a billion people in the world today claim intellectual inheritance from ancient Greece.”

The Geography of Thought: How Asians and Westerners Think Differently, by Richard E. Nisbett.

“As the firestorm took his ships, as a monsoon rain of greasy incendiaries burnt his people like screaming human skewers, Abdumasi-Abd tried his very damnedest to die.”

The Monster Baru Cormorant, Seth Dickinson

“A young, ambitious Hugo Black thought he had to choose between the Ku Klux Klan and the Big Mules. He chose the Klan.”

Desk 88 by Sherrod Brown

“On the day we moved to America, it snowed in Chapel Springs, Louisiana, for the first time in twenty years.”

Blackbird Fly by Erin Entrada Kelly

“Your room had long ago plunged into near-complete darkness, leaving no distraction from the great rocking thump–thump–thump of body after body flinging itself onto the hull.”

Harrow the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir

“When the French king Henri II wedded the Florentine Catherine de Medici in 1533, French and Italian culture came into close and formal alliance, and it is here that the history of ballet begins.”

Apollo’s Angels: A History of Ballet, by Jennifer Homans

It was getting hotter.

The Ministry for the Future - Kim Stanley Robinson

“October in East Evansburg, and the last warm sun of the year slanted red through the sugar maples.”

Small Spaces by Katherine Arden

“The Draper Mansion, uptown on Madison Avenue at Fortieth Street, exuded the new glow of electric light on the festive night of November 15, 1882.”

The Glass Universe: How the Ladies of the Harvard Observatory Took the Measure of the Stars, by Dava Sobel.

The prisoner raised himself on his elbow and picked up his pen.

The Zealot and the Emancipator: John Brown, Abraham Lincoln, and the Struggle for American Freedom by H.W. Brands

You ever seen a Klan march?

Ring Shout by P. Djeli Clark

She didn’t believe in any of it, not for a minute, thought Lucy Stone.

Wicked Witch Murder, by Leslie Meier

Afterwit: 1. Later knowledge; the knowledge of riper years or later times.

Endangered Words: A Collection of Rare Gems for Book Lovers, by Simon Hertnon

“The librarian and her mule spotted it at the same time.”

The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek by Kim Michelle Richardson

“Our house is old, and noisy, and full.”

Life Among the Savages, by Shirley Jackson

“Snitz and I were sitting in the backyard, waiting for time to start a fire for the steaks.”

Let’s Make A Deal, Jerry Boyd
Book 11 in the Bob & Nikki saga

“Shortly before the Thanksgiving holiday of 2016, retired Marine General James Mattis saw a call from an unknown Indiana number flash on his cell phone screen.”

Rage, by Bob Woodward

“West of Pearl Harbor, he drove along the Farrington Highway past fields of sugar cane, dark green in the moonlight.”

Micro, by Michael Crichton

“Stubbornly, Elijah Bailey fought panic”

The Naked Sun by Isaac Asimov (reread, of course - but very appropriate for these days of Zoom and distancing)