What is the hardest thing you've ever had to learn?

How to avoid arguments politely. It took a while to get to where I can just kind of smile and communicate a sense of “Yeah, you and I are kindred souls alright, can’t improve on what you said” when I want to say “Shut the fuck up you stupid moron! Have you ever considered reading a fucking book before you start running that retarded mouth of yours, you blazing asshole!”

But that doesn’t always work. Maybe I’ll start a thread here looking for better tactics.

BTW, I’m a libertarian/conservative and I live in a sea of liberals. If you met me for five minutes you’d swear I’m a liberal, based on my appearance, tastes, etc. So I have a lot of opportunities to practice. Today alone, two of my more lucrative clients - who need me more than I need them - made gratuitous insults about McCain and Palin - out of nowhere, BTW - and technique #1 worked just fine.

Adobe Illustrator and slide guitar.

How to take a punch, especially to the face.

You’d be amazed how confident you become in every aspect of your life once you learn how not to flinch.

Lesson #2 was how to avoid being punched. I haven’t gotten that one perfected yet :slight_smile:

I can’t believe I forgot algebra.

I’ve taken Basic Algebra 5 times.

I’ve taken College Algenra 4 times.

Amazingly, I only had to take Intermediate Algebra once. My final class score? 69.75. The teacher was very talented and saw that while horrible at the subject, I certaintly wasn’t lazy. He bumped me up 0.25 so that I could move on.

I don’t think I have to tell anyone here just how much I loathe the subject.

Let Basic Algebra = b and College Algebra = c. Then we can show that you have taken (=b+c) 9 tests and done (=b-c) Basic once more than College.



.NET is so huge, that finding anything in MS help is nearly impossible. They are running out of names for objects.

It took me hours to figure out how many rows where selected from a simple one table SQL query.

Nothing is obvious or intuitive anymore. It’s really starting to piss me off.

Heh… math. Among other things, I took undergrad microeconomics without ever having heard of a derivative. I took a course in quantum mechanics without knowing that linear algebra as a branch of mathematics existed. Egad. I hit every office hour I could and spent a ridiculous amount of time in the math lab. Worth it.

The hardest thing I’ve ever had to learn was that I am not unique. I learned that while locked up in detox, listing to stories told by recovering alcoholics. I was so screwed up that, at first, I honestly believed some of those people had been following me around, taking notes. It was damned humbling, I’ll promise you that.