What is the most annoying sound a human voice can make?

Please stay away from Post Offices, McDonald’s and any other spree-prone locations I might be found in with you.

Thank you.

Whining. Constant use of the word “like.”
And the “uptalk” that tdn mentioned.

Jeepers, I only had to properly comprehend four sentences in your post and managed to get a meaning 180 degrees from what you wrote. Emmm… I was tired?

Feydeau– you really, really do not want to hear this girl laugh. It’s been about three years and the sound of a horse whinneying still makes me want to curl up like an over-cooked shrimp.

The noise a coworker of mine makes when she tries to laugh.

It is not, by any definition of the word, “laughter”. If you’d like to try it at home, just draw a long, sharp intake of breath as loudly as you possibly can.


I’d happily place an office ban on any and all things that could be construed as mildly humorous if it’d mean never having to hear that damnable noise again.

Unfortunately, she’s easily amused.

Cutesy-ootsey baby talk, à la The Pwincess Pwecious.

“We need to talk.”

“Does this dress make me look fat?”

My sister had a particular whine to her voice which instantly drove everybody hearing it to rage. (I am not exaggerating.) I have no idea how she survived youth. I think that’s my winner for most annoying. Peircing shrieks will instantly shatter all the molecular bonds in my brain, but that’s not the same as annoyance.

Screaming teenage girls, seconded (or thirded?). Makes me want to punch them. And other teenage girls who think they’re being cute by making cat noises like, “mew?”. My friend does this all the time and my fist starts shaking every time she does.

Also: babies crying, toddlers throwing tantrums, my parents asking me the same question over and over, my brother’s annoyed grunt (it’s not loud or annoying, but it makes me annoyed because it means that he doesn’t feel like cooperating).

Dumb & Dumber already settled this question. :slight_smile:

Oh god. I read that as " felch Me My Foot Cream!" and about died.


There’s a certain full-throated, raw singing style that makes me cringe. It’s especially bad when it gets into the higher registers and sounds like screeching to me. I’ve heard it in slightly different versions in very different venues: gospel singing, certain Slavic women’s choruses, and the Sistine Chapel choir.

That is one hell of a lot of negative emotion to load into a sound so basic that even dogs’ll do it occasionally. Maybe you want to ask yourself why you feel that way.

“Whatever you think is best.”


The most annoying words, right now, are “If it doesn’t scan, it must be free! Harharharhar!” (And I said in that other thread I couldn’t ever be a serial killer…)

The most annoying sound? I feel really horrible and uncaring for saying this, but when somebody coughs and hacks repeatedly in public. It makes me feel so uncomfortable and grossed out, I squirm in my seat and try not to stare. Euuugh, that sound gets on my nerves.


Closely related to this is “goes” used to mean “said”: And then she goes XXXXXXXXX and then I go XXXXXXXXXXX, so she goesXXXXXXXXXXXX and then I go XXXXXXXXXXXXX.

“And then I go “BAM!” and whack you on the head with a mallet.”

Or “And I’m all”…And she’s all…and he’s all…"


Chewing on the telephone.