What is the most annoying sound a human voice can make?

The seven-year-old screech sends me right through the floor. Jesus…I just want to throttle 'em.

There are very few women I’d do that for. But there are a few.

Anyway, back to annoying human sounds. I got one:
The raised voice used by low-level service functionaries when relaying repetitious instructions to large crowds. Without exception they end up sounding as pissed off as they no doubt are, having to repeat “PUTCHA LAPTOPS INNA BASKET! LAY YO BAG FLAT ONNA BELT!” all day to seething masses of humanity. 2 minutes of this at Newark “Liberty” International Airport will make you feel like you’re being in-processed at Great Lakes Naval Station.

Victory cry of the bull ape.

That sounds like the sharp final declination that is the usual cue for ‘I’m finished speaking now, it’s your turn,’ in non-interrogative speech. (Margaret Thatcher was continually interrupted at press conferences because her artificially-acquired accent placed this cue at the end of every sentence. Very frustrating.)

As for doing this with questions, that would be particularly annoying because we associate a rising tone, in general, with interest, engagement, and anticipation.

Someone who speaks this way is likely to project, to some degree, the feeling that they have low expectations for what’s about to come out of your mouth, and that they’re not really interested in it.

Yeah, that could rankle.