This question was asked to Cecil and an answer was attempted, but I’m not sure that any final answer was determined. When I read this response in the mid-90’s, I thought the answer was “beef” and the plural is “beeves”, but it doesn’t appear to be conclusive.
Is there an answer? What is the general non-gendered term for the cow whose female is called “cow”?
When I had a feed manufacturer as a client, I asked one of their dairy specialists about the proper term, and he said “cattle” was appropriate for both singular and plural.
I spent one day as a used car salesman before deciding that it wasn’t the job for me. The experienced salesmen referred to the customers as “heads.” Presumably, because that is mostly what you see as they wander through the lot. Thus, “I’ll take the head looking at the Fairmont, you take the other one.” Or, after things had been quiet for a while, a hushed, excited call off, “Heads,” as suckers were spotted entering the lot.