It was a program that charges a 1 times fee but i dont recall. Does anyone know the name of it?
For my Android phone I use Easytether, but it was free so might not be the one you want.
PDAnet is one of the more common names I’ve heard.
EasyTetherPro is what I use to connect my laptop to my phone via a usb cable. wifi tether is what I use to creat a wifi hotspot for laptops and tablets to use the phone data.
On rereading this, I think the OP is asking about a program for the laptop.
You need something on the phone to do the tethering. Easythether also requires you to install a program on your laptop as well as an app for you phone. The wifi tethering apps allow you laptop to connect to your phone via wifi like you would any wifi hotspot.
Easytether’s free version doesn’t do certain websites, most notably the whole Google family including Gmail. I have the paid version, and it works really well.
Um… what phone? And where are you?
I can do it with a stock iPhone from the setting screen, it’s called personal hotspot.
With most carriers in the US this cost extra. Verizon charges $20 a month to use this. AT&T also charges extra for this. Easytether on Verizon andriod phones does not result in additional charges from Verizon.
On 4G LTE phones from Verizon, the mobile hotspot feature is free. I believe that was a condition imposed on Verizon by the FCC in exchange for access to radio spectrum needed for the 4G LTE service. 3G devices, I’m not so sure about. Other carriers may or may not have been subject to this condition by the FCC, but I’d guess they may offer it in order to be competitive with Verizon.
It’s a very nice feature.
It’s only free if you’re not grandfathered in to the unlimited data plan. Otherwise you have to root the phone and install an alternate ROM in order to get the free wifi hotspot.
Personally, I am all about rooting and installing an alternate ROM if you have a popular phone such as the Galaxy S3, Droid Razr, or HTC One. It opens up a ton of options and allows you to remove a lot of the bloat that carriers helpfully force on you.
I only use it in emergencies when the electricity is out, it is fine for that.