A while back I was reading about this strange book that is pretty rare. It is illustrations of very weird plants/people and stuff and has a very long name. Starts with an S maybe?
I know it’s been mentioned on this board in the past. Can anyone think of the name of this book?
It’s the little things that drive you insane.
Mermaid, I’d love to help, but can you be a little more specific? Illustrations of weird plants/people and stuff does not evoke anything in my mind, except possibly “Where’s Waldo.” Is it a picture book? A kids’ book? A humor book?
Mermaid, I know that book…and DAMMIT I can’t remember the name either!!
August 12, 2001, 1:58am
*Originally posted by The Mermaid *
**A while back I was reading about this strange book that is pretty rare. It is illustrations of very weird plants/people and stuff and has a very long name. Starts with an S maybe?
I know it’s been mentioned on this board in the past. Can anyone think of the name of this book?
It’s the little things that drive you insane. **
10 to 1 gets you it starts with a “C”, but the second word starts with an “S”
And I’d kill for the book. I’ve been looking for an affordable copy for years .
An’ I’ll lay out amongst the swee’peas the foist palooka what’ll inev’tably say “I got one fer a song an’ dance”[sup]*****[/sup]
The title is Codex Seraphinianus , right?
*Guess who’s been reading his collected Thimble Theater/Popeyes?
That’s the one I was thinking about, Fenris.
I kiss you!
August 12, 2001, 2:05am
I accept your kiss, and give ya one back!
But even if yas are a lady, I’ll still lays ya out amongst the swee’peas if’n yas getks a copy fer a song, then gloatsk about it!
Fenris, who’s finding Popeye speech strangely compelling, yet is aware that doing it for much longer will piss *everyone off.
Hm. Swee’peas.
I’ll sees what’s I’s can doos.
August 12, 2001, 2:20am
“I got deep sensibilikies! I kinnot stan’ a perty gal kissin’ me–I faints on account of eckistisy” Popeye, 1934
Fenris, flip on the Cartoon Network right now. Popeye’s on!
August 12, 2001, 2:38am
Yes that’s it of course. Now quick go bid on it.
Thanks a bunch Fenris, I knew the dopers wouldn’t let me down.
:Blows… uhm kisses yeah that right…kisses: