What is the Straight Dope about Imran Khan going to prison?

I’m asking here because it might be a matter of opinion.

I met with a new friend from Pakistan and he told me how horribly corrupt Paksitan’s government is. According to him, there is no fear and the corruption is blatant and obvious.

He said that Imran Khan because Prime Minister to drive out all the corruption so they set him up on their own corruption charges and imprisoned him, sending a message to scare off anyone else who tries to do the right thing.

Is that accurate? Or was Imran Khan corrupt and his prison sentence is just?

I admit I am clueless about their political history other than very general things. I am aware of Jinnah, but mainly from a movie about his life. I could not pass a Pakistan citizenship test, I assure you.

Firstly - how would we know? There’s a lot of he-said, they-said going on here. I will be surprised if there are any Dopers with inside information.

Secondly - those are not the only two options. He could have been the target of a conspiracy to oust and jail him by corrupt people who didn’t like his policies, while also being corrupt to some degree himself. And of course he could be guilty of something and the prison sentence could still be unjust. I don’t know one way or the other, but it’s not a black-and-white situation.

Thirdly - which prison sentence do you mean? The original three-year one that was suspended, or his current ten-year one?

I was hoping perhaps we did have some folks either from Pakistan or with more familiarity with the situation. We actually have a really great knowledge base here and you never know what people will be informed about.

I was purely going off what one Pakistani man told me and I thought I’d pursue, at least, a conversation about the situation here to see what people think.

We used to have a Pakistani lawyer but he got banned a couple of years ago. :frowning: