When I attempt to explain relativity to non-technical people, and there is time for the long version, I begin with the wave nature of light, and lead up to the point where it becomes obvious that there was something wrong with our old picture of the universe.
A few hundred years ago (like around the time of Newton), scientists didn’t know the nature of light, but they visualized it as a particle, since it goes in straight lines. But then someone did the two-slit experiment, and discovered that light behaves as a very small wave. A guy named Michelson invented something called an interferometer, which was just a way of measuring the interference of light, and it would let you measure distances very precisely by counting the number of light wavelengths between two points.
No problem so far. But then people started pondering, if light is a wave, what is the medium that’s “waving”? For example, a water wave is just water that’s moving in such a way that we see a wave pattern. The wave itself doesn’t exist as a separate entity, it’s just a the collective behavior of water. Also, when football fans do a wave in a stadium, the wave is just a pattern of individual people moving in a collective way. You can’t have a wave without something there that’s doing the waving.
So with light, what is it that’s waving? It must be something really hard to detect, since we had never observed it. They gave this unknown thing a name - the “aether”, which is from the same Greek work that gives us “ethereal,” so it was a word that meant something is there, but there’s not much to it.
Still no problem, other than that no one had separately observed the aether. But then someone had the idea to detect the action of the aether using Michelson’s interferometer. If you have a fluid that’s moving, such as a river, the speed of a wave will be faster (relative to you) in the downstream direction than upstream, because the speed of the wave in the medium is constant, and the medium is moving with respect to you.
So a guy named Morley did an experiment where he measured the upstream speed of light versus the downstream speed. He measured it once in his lab, then waited six months until the Earth was going the opposite direction in its path around the Sun, and measured it again. The interferometer was accurate enough that he would be able to detect the difference. But he found none! He presented his results, and no one believed him. So he got help from Michelson himself, and they made improvements to the interferometer design so that it was way more accurate than what would be needed, and they got precisely the same speed!
The whole scientific world was in a quandary. Since the time of Newton, they had been nailing down everything they needed to know about how physics works. They were just polishing off a few last details. Then this Morley guy comes in and made precise measurements that showed that their Newtonian understanding of physics was fundamentally wrong.
So if Newtonian physics was wrong, what was right? What kind of a universe could explain the Michelson-Morley experiment? The speed of light seemed to be constant with respect to each observer! It just didn’t make sense. Along comes a physicist with very good math skills named Albert Einstein, who took as a first principle that the speed of light is constant for each observer, and worked through the heavy math to describe such a universe. It was pretty bizarre, suggesting things like time going at different rates in different locations, and describing space and time as interrelated, and curving.
But every experiment to test this bizarre theory has confirmed it. It also explained the bit about Mercury’s orbit. It’s explained everything since, so it’s bizarre, but apparently correct.
One last point - Einstein also participated heavily in the development of quantum mechanics, which is so bizarre that it makes relativity look unremarkable. The problem is that no one has been able to come up with a model of the universe that accounts for relativity and quantum mechanics at the same time - they aren’t really compatible. So there will be at least one more change to propose a system that puts them together. This is the Holy Grail of physics right now. You hear theories of super-strings, or branes, and that’s what they’re trying to do.