What is this Google frame...and how do I turn it off?

Hello all!

This is driving me batty.

When I use my home PC and search on Google, a frame appears in the left hand side that shows its own search results.

Specifically, it says New and Search Results on the top bar and usually lists five results that have not much to do with the original search.

There is an “X” box on the top right of the frame to close it down but this doesn’t always close it. Additionally, this occurs on every search.

What is this?

How did it get there?

How do I get rid off it?

(Why is this happening to me!?!?!?!)

Whomever helps me will get a prayer from my mom.

This sound familiar?

That page also has instructions for how to disable it, if this is the same thing.

THANKS! THANKS! You have saved me from having to buy a new monitor!

Now, do you want my mom to think of you at church?

I just went through this myself yesterday. I had the stupid frame popping up for the last couple of weeks and I would just close it. I finally looked at the source code which indicates a site to uninstall the frame…gosh, it didn’t work.

I tried Spyware.com which has an online detector and that caught a few different spyware programs, but the stupid frame was still there. I was going to try Ad-Aware, but saw recommendations for Spybot Search & Destroy. I looked at that and downloaded the free software.

It is excellent. Spybot went through and caught a couple more ‘spies’ that it fixed. The damn frame is STILL THERE! Within Spybot, there is a section for Tools/Browser Pages. It seems that the frame wrote itself into the registry to act as a search helper. As soon as I removed it there the problem went away. There is also a section for Tools/BHOs where the subsearch is listed, where I also disabled it.

Wow. Thanks cantara. I just ran Spybot and it caught quite a few things I would have never looked for. Thanks.