What is up with YouTube's new "Like" button?

YouTube has recently changed its “Like/Dislike” feature a bit. I mean, it still works the same old way, but it looks a little different. When you click “Dislike” (thumbs down), the thumb symbol gets darker. But when you click “Like” (thumbs up), the thumbs picture turns into what appears to be part of a red circle with a white circle in the middle (picture here.) What is this part-of-a-circle supposed to be anyway?

The image that the CSS is calling is incorrect on your computer. Clear your cache and it will be fixed.

Cleared the cache, and the “like” button still does the same thing (partial red circle image.) I’m using Firefox, if that matters.

Well, I can answer the “What is it?” portion, anyway: it’s the bottom right corner of the YouTube logo, which your browser is apparently loading in place of the Like button. It’s cropped because the logo image is larger than the one that’s supposed to be there.

I agree with ZipperJJ that a faulty cache is the most likely culprit. If you haven’t already, try restarting your browser after you clear the cache; sometimes cached images for pages that are currently loaded will stick around until you restart.

(ETA: Or, while looking at a YouTube page, press Ctrl + F5. That forces a cache refresh for that specific page, which ought to do the trick just as well.)

I tried Ctrl F5 on a YouTube page, and it doesn’t appear to have worked.