What is Warez?

The l33t stuff gets very annoying very quickly, but if you want to generate it, try The Dialectizer which turned Jophiel’s middle paragraph into:

fro tehr ecrod, form what iund4rsand,m uuch of '733tt" apekling caMe f0rm aaf ear among hAXr0s, cr4X0rs, what-have-you in the 8O"s yhAt hte government wazs cannoing bbs’s via computar for 'catdh-ohraseS 1n 0reder to catch sa1d haXOrs ety al. i own jpoo!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO… To avoid Bi3ng caught ,teh ywould us3 bizarrews pEllings and non-letter s(3 fro e) in ythe1r wroDz so the computerz Wouldn’t piX0r u pon them!!!111~~~~~ EVEJTUA7LY IT SPREAD INTO IST OWN LITt;LE SUB7ANGUUAG,E AHVING MROE T0 DO WITH BIENG NOE OF TEH HAC0RINg CORWD AND LSES To DO WITH FEAR OF BIG BROTHER!!!11~~~~~~ EVEN TODAY 1T HAS SOME ROIG1NAL PUERPOSE, AS U SE3 THINGSS LIEK PR)N INSTEAD OF “PRON” USED SO IT WONT BE BLOX0RED BY K1DDEI PORTECDTR1On WAR3Z, ETC

ok, that was a very very board unfriendly post.
Um, Manhattan, would you mind terribly throwing a few carriage returns into that one particularly long line? :slight_smile:

It does, however, give me an idea for how to fix the problem with the board breaking long [“url”] tags! Off to test in ATMB…

Thanks for the translations, Derleth and Jophiel - now I know for certain that I can have no career as a codebreaker. First, I tried aiming a small mirror at the computer screen, then realised that writing 37737 on a piece of paper might be a slightly more practical idea, then it took several attempts because, of course, the “7” has to be as typed, instead of my habitual “7” with a horizontal stroke through. Actually, I still can’t turn it into “elite” at all, but it was a fun 5 minutes, I suppose.

Of course, this means that I can no longer sneer at the ghastliness of these people’s language, as theirs is entirely beyond me.

Yes, Jophiel’s Big Brother explanation helps explain why they do it, although I suspect it’s really just an in-group shibboleth.

31337 = ELEET = Elite

Yeah, as I said, these days it’s more a matter of 13yr olds typing like that 'cause everyone else in IRC channel #Phat_Warez does it rather than any attempt to thwart the gummint.

Old, old net joke:

To get the best warez on the net, go to the ftp site warez.shorty.com (IP address Use your login and password to see what files they’ve taken from you!

Of course, most of you out there are on Macs and PCs, so you’ll just get a “Connection refused” message, but for those of you on a Unix box, you will see an amusing sight.

Ahh. At last, comprehension is mine! I really did give some serious consideration to trying to turn my head upside down (I know what I mean) while looking at the paper in a funny way, but I’m quite glad that I didn’t now.

I wonder why I keep finding ignorance instead of fighting it. Oh well, this is an instructive thread.

Or which is a bit more subtle and still works since, I think local loopback is an entire class A.

Ceci n’est pas un signature? You stole my (ok, ATMB) thread title :slight_smile:

Jargon File on warez d00dz.

Warez is an example of a more general code used by hacking types. Basically to show that stuff is ripped off you change the final s to a z hence:

warez = wares
gamez = games
appz = apps
downloadz = downloads

and so on ad infinitum

All I remember is that when ‘warez’ were big in the mid-80’s, every teenager with a computer was looking for them (except yours truly, of course) and on all the BBSs of the time you’d see the hackers/crackers/phreakers et al. sign their messages with “L8R.” When I was on those boards, 99% of the kids who used terminology like that and like that which was described earlier were simply novice kids trying to look cool. :slight_smile:

Drat. I recently saw an article (I forget where) on this which gave some clues to decoding the lingo. S=Z (several other letters have replacements too). Software reduced to 'ware.

All part of the software pirating subculture on the internet. Prowess is measured by how much software you can steal & exchange, and how difficult it is to get.


FWIW, nowadays, many crackz are actually small applications, along the lines of patches, that are specially written to modify the code of a commercial application to no longer require registration numbers, etc.

Those hackers are getting more and more clever, eh?

FTR, most warez trading nowadays is done either on irc or through the use of a funny client/server application called Hotline. Websites and ftp sites are simply not reliable enough for these folks.

“Call me an idiot, cause I’ve never heard it called or pronounced ‘wares’. “war-ez” is pretty much
the way I’ve heard it called for years.”

I haven’t a clue as to how its pronounced.

doperz =straight dope members

Going down the line, correcting mistakes:

“warez” is full proggies (programs) available for download via websites or FTP. With the crackdown on pir8s (software pirates) a few years ago, and a proliferation of ‘Top Sitez’, warez are harder to find now, having mostly moved BACK to IRC and FTP. ‘Top Sitez’ are lists of the ‘best’ warez sites. The idea is to make entry into your website incredibly confusing, mostly consisting of links to voting sites that rate your site as being ‘good’ without the voter knowing what they’ve done. This sort of tactic gets you high on the top lists, and therefore, more click throughs. More clickthroughs lead to more revenue from ads. More revenue is obvious, more money for the site director. The proliferation of Top Sitez lists (Top 10, Top 100, Top 50, Top 25, Top 69, Top 1000, etc.) has basically killed any web-based warez scene. Popups are another method of generating revenue, also via clickthrough. Hit CTRL-W to kill them, then kill the main window (the originator of the popups), or, if you do alot of warez surfing, disable java.

The correct pronunciation is warez as in wears, pronouncing it war-ez (juarez) will get you severely laughed at. A modern dictionary will probably not list it, but any self respecting internet slang guide most certainly will. The correct spelling/pronunciation for porn, in 733+ speak, is pr0n.

Cracked software used to be a hex editor with a text file instructing the correct additions/changes, but now is mostly .exe files that automatically apply the changes for you.

Pop ups are about 50/50 porn and top sites.

You have almost zero risk of getting a virus from a warez site. A warez site relies on 1) ad revenue 2) reputation 3) repeat visitors 4) clickthrough and 5) cred. KNOWINGLY distributing a virus (virii in leet speak) will destroy all 5 of these. Most sites rigorously check for viruses in their own files, and do not knowingly link to risky sites. In addition, warez are ripped and uploaded by persons usually from age 14-25 who have zero vested interest in giving you a virus (unless it’s a keystroke logger). The majority of viruses are harmless, regardless, just like in real life. A person’s .sig file is usually found in a decompressed zip or arj file, and a known ‘hax0r’ (hacker, as they call themselves, but we’ll not get into that) would NEVER distribute a virus. Much or most of cracking is building a name for yourself, all of which would be destroyed by a single virus tagged to your product.

My… friend… Tom… was heavy into warez until about this time last year, and in his 12 years of computers and 6 years of internet/warez sceneing, has had only 2 virii, and neither traced to a warez download or program.

I would not be surprised if the phrase warez and other ‘leet’ speak was discarded as the average age of ‘hackers’ increases. Many people into the scene now have been into it for many, many years and have matured beyond 14-year-old-posuer speak.

Perhaps at some time leet speak served a purpose, now it is mostly, as it was put, ‘in group shibboleth’, although the ‘in group’ is not actually the ‘in group’, but posuers who THINK they are ‘in’ when in fact, they are merely a pasty, pudgy 14 year old with too much time. The ‘in group’ is much harder to find or contact. Todays’ ‘in group’ probably doesn’t even know who Captain Crunch, or The Master, or one of a dozen others are.

warez = wares (usually games)
appz = applications (usually Office, Windows, music editing stuff, non-games)
hackz = hacks
crackz = cracks
d/lz = downloadable files (usually meaning files being served directly from the site)
ftpz = ftp links and passwords
proggies = programs, usually warez or hackz programs.
A large part of warez is done via Scour, Sideload, Streamload, and other various ‘hosting’ or ‘swapping’ sites, servers, or programs that are offshore.

One of the biggest distributors on AOL used to be a group named “ShiZZa” who made the ShiZZa room gen, which would create, through a mathematical function, a different room every day, each copy producing the same room. This was done to elude the AOL 'cats. Since the rooms were generated randomly, and in conjunction, anyone ‘in the know’ with the latest version of the room gen could get in the room and be safe. Whenever AOL was known to have a copy of the gen, a new version was distributed (usually gotten by emailing a ShiZZa associate) and the new rooms were populated. I don’t know if it’s still in use, probably not.
