Evolutionists often say that humans and animals weren’t created perfectly by God, and the whale’s pelvic bone proves it.
What exactly is wrong with the whale’s pelvic bone?
Evolutionists often say that humans and animals weren’t created perfectly by God, and the whale’s pelvic bone proves it.
What exactly is wrong with the whale’s pelvic bone?
The whale’s pelvic bone shows evidence of legs in an earlier time in the animal’s evolutionary path.
Whales, and how you get from “animal walking around on land” to “whale” are a favorite focal point of debate for creationists who like to claim that intermediate steps are impossible in this case, and evolutionists who point to the construction of the whale’s pelvic bone and claim intermediate forms exist in the fossil record. Frankly, I don’t see the problem with intermediate forms, and I think the creationists could come up with better examples (look at things like sea otters, which have hind legs, but spend nearly all their time in the water).
Stephen Gould on the subject:
And, in the interests of fair play, a creationist take:
I think it’s obvious where my sympathies lie, however.
I don’t know that anything can ‘prove’ this unless you have a good definition of what it means to be created perfectly.
If perfect means most efficiently, then there are plently of examples of organisms that have unused or useable features, and that solve problems in less efficient manners than could conceivably be devised. Remnants of limbs in aquatic organisms and snakes, the appendix, etc.