What Is Your CBS Affiliate Showing on Friday, 1/23?

My local CBS affiliate is showing a Billy Graham crusade in the Joan of Arcadia timeslot. I’m hoping someone can confirm for me that Friday’s show is a re-run. Because if our local affiliate is preempting CBS’s most popular show for Billy Freaking Graham, there’s going to be a strongly-worded letter…

My CBS affiliate is showing high school basketball. Make of that what you will.

Ours is doing JoA. One hour of Amber Tamblyn purrrr :smiley:

Its the episode where God asks her to throw a Yard Sale.*

Although our local ABC affiliate often pre-empts REAL shows for the local hospital (ad St. Jude) infomercials. Guess viewership isn’t as good as cold, hard, cash.
*I’d like to pick up a grail to complete my collection. The last one got broke in the dishwasher. There’ll also be some nice vintage wine and a boat. If the price is good it’d be a fun thing to have next summer on the lake.