what is your opinion on "Melanin Theory"

Well, we do tend to age better :smiley:

Stephen King’s The Stand and The Green Mile also. (SK variations include The Magical Child, The Magical Elderly Person, The Magical Simpleton.)

The reason why white people are not black is because there is a process going on in the pineal gland of white people that suppresses the production of melanin. For the sake of racial harmony I suggest that scientists get busy trying to develop a drug that stops this activity within white people’s brains. I myself am very white and burn very easily in the sun.

Are you, perhaps, confusing melanin with melatonin?

Racist drivel. But it is nice, in a way, to see somebody other than us white people indulging in it.

I’m quite brown, but not quite black! Does that make me halfway there?

And yet, Leonard Jeffries is still teaching this idiocy at the City College of New York.

Are you kidding? Look into what the Nation of Islam teaches. It’s literally a religion built around racism.

I don’t know if the statistics are true, but no, it does not mean that. Neanderthals were just as human as we are. Heck, if the statistics are true, we would be the same species by the interbreeding standards. So either we are both Homo sapiens, or they are Homo neanderthalensis. And the “Homo” part means “human.”

He was also likely joking about the superiority thing. There’s no real reason to think Neanderthals were inferior to modern humans. Heck, their brains were larger than ours. And if they interbred with us, you can’t even argue they were less evolutionarily fit.

What does this theory mean to me, a melanoma patient?

Or because, you know, Rush Limbaugh.

The Star-Bellied Sneetches are CLEARLY superior to the Sneetches with none upon thars!

Yes we did.

Where might you have gotten the idea that the ‘magic negro’ meme isn’t racist?

That said, I don’t generally find myself comfortable with applying the ‘racist’ label to behavior I find objectionable. Particularly when I would find it objectionable even in situations where race couldn’t apply. AFAIK, everyone who objected to the windbag’s parody did so on account of the fact that it was just another iteration of the brain-dead canard about viewing him as a messiah, and with a side of race-baiting thrown in.

Or we would laugh the notion out of the room, the way we are this one.

I just went to the tanning salon. I feel smarter already!

I’d settle for some good old-fashioned ordinary evidence.

Why don’t you ask a mod if they’ll consolidate all of your threads? Perhaps you could have it titled: “White people bad, Black people good”. Seriously, you’re dropping these, let’s call them nuggets–which are just variations on a rather lame theme–on the board here and then, when you do deign to visit the thread again, basically JAQ off.

I find your ideas intriguing, and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

I yearn for the days when crank.net was kept updated.

You could subscribe to all of their newsletters!

The nation of Islam stuff is interesting because it almost sounds like some 19th century stuff about how black people are too incompetent to be held accountable.

Like how guns are a white mans trick to get poor black men to shoot each other, notice there is no agency given to the shooter only the “provider” of the gun. Or crack cocaine, even if lets argue for the sake of things it was intentionally flooded into poor black communities, I don’t recall anything about being forced to take it.