What is your personal SDMB hightlight ?

In your opinion what was your finest hour .

Your best flame , funniest joke , smartarse comment , whatever .

IMO mine was in the Bob McNamara, Michael Moore, Robert Conrad: Success Through Failure? thread where I got Michael Moore to read the thread and posted his e-mail that he sent to me in reply . :smiley:
So come on people its time to blow your own trumpet .

BTW if you want to link to a post do this .

Hover your cursor over the *reply with quote * button and read the post id number and the bottom of your screen and replace the x’s with that no. into the following address .


I think my biggest highlight so far is the success of “Very Vaguely Creepy,” as it has been my longest lived thread, and was also featured in ThreadSpotting. I’m so very proud.


My highlight was being one of the 19 people on the board to be welcomed personally by Cecil Adams himself.


My engagement thread and all of the wonderful people who responded with good vibes. Still makes me all warm and tingly…

Yer pal,

Four months, one week, five days, 14 hours, 37 minutes and 6 seconds.
5384 cigarettes not smoked, saving $673.05.
Life saved: 2 weeks, 4 days, 16 hours, 40 minutes.[/sub]

"Satan is not an unattractive person."-Drain Bead
[sub]Thanks for the ringing endorsement, honey![/sub]

Still waiting for one.

The only thing I can think of is that I started the first “What’s the story behind your username” thread. I think it might have been my first thread even, so I guess everything has sorta gone downhill from there, lol. :wink:

The satire in the Enterprise vs. Star Wars thing thread that made people laugh.

After a year and a half, finally getting flamed (a thread in the Pit with my name on it, Woo Hoo!)

There was a spiel on “The Whole Nine Yards” that I was kinda sorta proud of, ages ago.

mine was starting a thread where all the words in the title were spelled correctly.

: ducks & runs

Show off.

Thank you so much for that thread.

The highlight of my experience here on the SDMB. I couldn’t ever have thought anyone would give a damn.

Thank you all.

A Petition for the Teeming Millions…

A few months ago I had several threads devoted to me, started by other people. Alas, my fame was short lived…

Balls . I hadn’t noticed that . :o

If you like, I’ll bump 'em all for you. :smiley:

As it is, I linked them in your birthday thread. The last time I did that with an old thread (Ruffian’s Oral Sex thread) someone posted to it, and the thread got resurrected. (I didn’t have that in mind when I linked your old threads to your birthday thread, but you know, I was aware that it could have happened.) :wink:

Well, I dunno if it was my “finest hour” but I sure had the most fun with my clothes on when I translated BirdDog21’s missive from the Mother Ship. http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?threadid=2153

And a belated apology to GaWd for the deliberate gender confusion–you know, when you registered, you scared me. That was very scary. “Ohmigod what should I do?” But we are all friends now, yes?

I have to agree with Ultress, my SDMB highlight was getting a personal welcome from Cecil Adams.

My sig line. :slight_smile:
