What kind of electronic display/"font" is this?

I was just wondering…can anyone identity the type of system these numbers are displayed in? I’ve seen them in the movies “Iceman” and “The Shadow,” as well as a simulated version in the old game “Dark Forces,” from which the screenshot is taken. In every case, these numbers were used in either an electronic “gauge” or timer, like a primitive LCD display. When I’ve seen this kind of display in the movies, it seemed to have been made of stacks of number-shaped neon tubes layered one on top of another, but I could have been mistaken.

So, can anyone ID this bit of electronic gadgetry for me?

It’s called a Nixy Digit Tube. I have an old Heath frequency counter that uses them.

Speaking of which, anyone know where a font like that could be found?

Some more links.

Last time I recall seeing them in a movie is “Wings of Honneamise”. (Kewl anime, BTW). :slight_smile:

This place describes them as “neon-filled numeric displays, also known as ‘numicators’”
If you want, there’s a java clock available with this font here.

Nixie tubes are a really cool display method. I also have an old frequency counter that uses them.

I wonder if we have the same one. Mine is a Heathkit IB-101