The other morning my wife was out walking the dog when she got spooked by a snake. She didn’t have her cell on her to take a picture, and when I went out looking for it later, I couldn’t find it. She said it had a triangular head, like a venomous snake, was rather girthy, and was tan with brown, erratic rings around its body that were relatively far apart (by ‘erratic’ I mean the rings weren’t perfect rings, they were kind of wavy). She did not hear or see a rattle, but it struck at her and she ran, but she did catch a glimpse of the inside of its mouth and said it was dark, not white or pink. When she described it to me, I could instantly picture it in my head but damn if I can’t find a picture of it anywhere. I know I’ve seen this snake somewhere before, but I can’t bring to mind what kind it is. It doesn’t match any venomous snake commonly found in GA, so I imagine it was somebody’s pet at some point and either got loose or they let it loose when it got too big or something. Any ideas?
Crotalus horridus. I would not trust the description of the mouth.
I pulled up pictures of a canebrake, and she said that wasn’t it. Plus she said there was no rattle. Can an adolescent rattlesnake not have a rattle? She said the bands were all one color, and they were very far apart on the snake’s body. Plus it didn’t have the characteristic orange stripe down the spine. That doesn’t sound like any pictures of a canebrake I could find. Thanks for the response, though.