What Magazines Do You Subscribe To?

I subscribe to Skeptic, Ben Is Dead, Popular Communications, Time, and two newspapers(The Oregonian and The New York Times).

I don’t subscribe to any magazines, but when I pick one up from the local store, it’s usually either Kitplanes, or something about car audio. a couple times, I got a computer mag, but they never had anything in them that was of any significant interest to me…

I don’t suffer from insanity…
I enjoy every minute of it!

Gamepro- that’s the one I couldn’t remember.

I’ll buy that for a dollar.

I am subscribed to a bunch of magazines.
I had an offer to trade my frequent flier miles for magazine subscriptions and I jumped right on it.

Smithsonian, National Geographic, Civilization, Readers Digest, MIT Technology Review, Red Herring, Premiere… Hmmm, that doesn’t seem like very many, I thought it was alot.

Entertainment Weekly, Reader’s Digest, and Radiance. I let my subscriptions to Cat Fancy, TV Guide, and Rolling Stone run out last year.

“I hope life isn’t a big joke, because I don’t get it,” Jack Handy

The Kat House
Join the FSH Muscular Dystrophy Webring

Yahoo maginzine and Time, but then what do I know.


My favorite is Discover–I relish reading every page of the new issues every month. It’s a treat–curl up in bed, read about neat stuff.

I also get Newsweek, Horse Illustrated, and Creative Classroom. I also let my subscription to Cat Fancy run out because, simply, it was a silly magazine–if not nutty. They have ads in there for freeze drying your dead pet, cloning your dead pet (or, as they claim, saving skin cells–at $800 a pop–for whenever the technology makes it possible), and all variety of bizarre trinkets, like a water dish that also serves as a “decorative mini fountain.” Horse Illustrated just has the ads for the lame magnetic boots and blankets.

Teaching: The ultimate birth control method.

Poster You’d Most Like to Date–Female
Second Official SDMB Awards

Laura’s Stuff and Things

Mutual Fund Magazine - it was a freebie for airline miles. and Parents.

I swipe from my OB’s office the extra copies of parenting magazines. ( Always the older ones, not within three months. My standards may be low, but I do have them.)

I trade with neighbors People, National Geographic and assorted Glamor like magazines and decorator magazines.And reader’s digest.

Health and Natural Health

Girlbysea (AKA: ChiefScott’s GBS)

I only subscribe to PopSci, but I want to add Discover, Smithsonian, SciAm and Dell’s Logic Puzzles to that list because I quite frequently read those as well. Just a big science buff :smiley:

I rode Omni in Springfield, IL

I subscribe currently to Entertaiment Weekly (seems to be a popular choice) and Mode. Mode is a fat ladies’ fashion magazine. I subscribed on a whim, and while I kind of like some of the features, the fashions all seem to be designed for 6-foot-tall 19-year-olds. So it’s pretty much the same as thin lady fashion magazines in that regard.

I used to subscribe to Poetry, but if you think Entertainment Weekly is repetitive, try reading the same damn free verse “I hate my father and my life sucks” confessional poems month after month after month.


Skeptical Inquirer, National Geographic, Scientific American, U.S. News & World Report and Rolling Stone.

Christ, how many people here get Skeptical Inquirer? That magazine has a circulation of only about 50,000 and there’s probably about 6 of us on this MB.

Lessee, The New Yorker, The Atlantic Monthly, Fast Company. Used to get Harper’s; still buy approximately every other issue. Let my subscription to The Economist lapse a couple of years ago, but still buy it from time to time when I need a newsmagazine fix (don’t necessarily agree with the editorial position, but at least it’s an explicit, cogently argued position; also, it’s a full magazine worth of text instead of mostly photographs with glorified captions, and there’s an acknowledgement that there are things happening in the world beyond the U.S.).

My wife gets Sesame Street Parent, Family Fun, and Mothering.

We also get the Atlanta Jewish Times.

Keep meaning to subscribe to Baseball America, but haven’t done it yet.

“Ain’t no man can avoid being born average, but there ain’t no man got to be common.” –Satchel Paige

Atlantic Monthly, Discover, Smithsonian, Popular Woodworking and PC Magazine. I gave up Rolling Stone a long time ago; the perfume ads were the last straw.

I edit for one magazine and write for another—I can’t read the goddam things anymore. Neither can anyone at my office. After a full day of editing our own mag, we shuffle the freebies back and forth to each others’ in-boxes, incapable of even opening them.

Smithsonian and National Geographic. I buy Wired & Architectural Digest at the newstand on a regular, but not monthly, basis. With the addition of SO into my household, I’m sure I’m going to start seeing a plethora of motorcycle magazines making their way into my mailbox as well.

MAD, National Geographic and Off-Road Magazine.

Only the finest…

Cigar Afficionado

The Sleeper has AWAKEN!

Oh boy… too many!

National Geographic
Atlantic Monthly
American Heritage
House & Garden
Traditional Home
one other home mag I can’t recall the name of
Readers Digest*
a crafts/painting mag*
a cooking mag*

  • My mother got me these subscriptions, but I barely have time to read the mags I LIKE…

“Not everybody does it, but everybody should.”

Oh boy… too many!

National Geographic
Atlantic Monthly (about to lapse-won’t renew)
American Heritage
House & Garden
Traditional Home
one other home mag I can’t recall the name of
Readers Digest*
a crafts/painting mag*
a cooking mag*

  • My mother got me these subscriptions, but I barely have time to read the mags I love

“Not everybody does it, but everybody should.”