What motivates Bill Clinton?

It’s true; Kennedy was a genuine star-fucker, whereas Bill Clinton was just boffing secretaries and interns. He does come off lacking in nearly every measure. Gary ‘Monkey Business’ Hart would have been a much better choice; that man has panache and style.


Which makes Clinton more of a poon hound. How hard would it be *not *to fuck Marilyn Monroe (in her prime, that is, alive) given the opportunity? It takes a real hound to boff the likes of Monica Lewinski.

Hey, let’s not forget Warren G. Harding.
On second thought, maybe we should.

Yeah, but he didn’t actually boff her, did he? Well, I guess it depends on what the definition of ‘is’ is.


I’m baffled by the Bill Clinton hate. I think he ran the country pretty well. Would you rather have W or Nixon? So what if he was a horn dog? What difference does that make? As far as liking power goes, you know what other President liked power? Every other President.

I can’t read these threads without thinking that a lot of people have absorbed a lot of right wing BS in spite of themselves.

You’re wrong. I *can *compartmentalize my feelings about Clinton. I’m not buying into any right-wing BS. I think he’s a horndog, but that has nothing to do with my feelings about him as a president. And my feelings for him as a president have nothing to do with my feelings about him as a campaigner for Hillary. And my feelings for him as a campaigner for Hillary have nothing to do with my feelings for him as a campaigner for Obama.

-Overall left the country in better shape than W is going to leave it, however still did some shit as president that I’m very unhappy about (NAFTA, Don’t-Ask-Don’t-Tell).
-Dirtball as a campaigner for Hillary.
-Beginning to see the calculating genius as a campaigner for Obama.

Most feelings (mine especially) for Bill Clinton aren’t as black and white as you seem to think. It’s not just all hate.

Yeah, I’ll give you that he’s behaved pretty poorly in the campaign. But Campaigns are ugly things. No one’s on their best behaviour, though Bill could be a better loser.

As for what’s really going on in his head, I have no idea, and neither does anyone else, except for maybe his family.

Clinton was in favor of gays openly serving in the military, was brutalized by the right, and forced into DADT as an ungainly compromise. It’s the religious bigots that forced DADT, not Clinton. Under a right wing president we wouldn’t even have that.

I don’t see the problem with NAFTA, which created more jobs than it cost, though I don’t have the energy to debate that here. I doubt Obama will do much more than make a few cosmetic changes to it.

I hope you all liked Clinton as a president, because if Obama is elected, Clinton is about what we’ll get: a liberally inclined pragmatist. They are the spit and image of one another politically, and not enormously different tempermentally, except that Obama is not a horndog. Hillary Clinton would have been similar politically, but very different tempermentally, being much less cool under fire, and seeming to have a desire for vengeance (that seems to have shown to some extent during Bill’s years in the White House).

Obama will shoot for the stars, but he’ll settle for half way up the block if that’s the best he can get. He never, ever cuts off his nose to spite his face, and he’ll never let the country do it under his watch either. Clinton was like that. Hillary probably would have been like that, but she would have had to struggle against her first impulses.

The correct phrase is “spitting image”, not “spit and image.” Now we need a GQ thread on the origins of “spitting image.” :smiley:

I think Clinton was smarter than Obama, IMHO.

The correct phrase is, I believe, the spit and image. A spit is an extension of land ike a peninsula, or expectorated saliva.

ETA: And I think Obama is every bit as smart as Clinton. They’re both quite brilliant.