What movie did you expect to suck, that didn't suck?

Actually, I’ll add a current flick - The Pacifier. When I saw the preview, I expected Kindergarden Cop/Mr. Nanny etc. all rolled into one. However, my daughter REALLY wanted to see it, so I gave in.

It was very good, Vin Diesel was good beyond “something hot to look at” and the story was different than I expected. Yeah, it was somewhat formulaic, but overall I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Surprised the HELL out of me. :slight_smile:

** Not Another Teen Movie** was a great add.

That reminds me. A friend twisted my arm to see Half Baked. One of the funniest movies I have ever seen.

I’m watching one on TV right now: Lake Placid.

The premise is pretty damn stupid and the whole thing is a cheesefest. But it’s got some good actors (Bill Pullman, Oliver Platt, Brendan Gleeson, Bridget Fonda) and the movie is really mostly about their interaction with each other. Much better than I expected it to be.

SCREAM 3 - I didn’t think it was going to be bad, but I had doubts. It rocked my world.
BABY GENIUSES 2 SUPERBABIES- I haven’t seen the first one. I’m not an ignorant guy about movies- I know that this movie has such an awful premise and that feel of good-budget-but-filmed-to-look-like-it-is-straight-to-video, and that calling it ‘good’ on any terms is pointless; all I’m saying is that it pretty much shattered my expectations. Several people have posted Joe Dirt- it’s similar in that it doesn’t stray from it’s own heart, even if it is such a low movie to begin with.

SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS: THE MOVIE - Plan on following the show now; I love the humor.

Long ago, I thought Bill and Ted’s Excelent Adventure looked to be about as stupid as could be. Then I watched it. It has to be the only thing with Keanu Reeves that is worth anything.

no shit??? ok, I reallllllllllllllly have to see it now. fuck! I was just at the fuckin’ movie store too and spent an hour trying to decide what to get; whyyyyyyyyyyy do I not remember these things?!? rampages on Tokyo

oh, I gotta second Three Kings, too. wish more war movies were as non-tedious as that.
and I hope I’m about to come back in two hours and say The Grudge, but I ain’t bettin’ the farm.

Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back - I never had any desire to see this, but they’re running it ad nauseum on Comedy Central, and the uncensored version late at night, so I finally saw it. I have to admit it really made me laugh.

Shrek (1) - Usually, when my friends say, “You have to see this cartoon”, I take it with a grain of salt, since people tend to get taken in by the cuteness factor and over-rate cartoons. But it wasn’t just funny for a cartoon, it was funny funny.

Fight Club - don’t want to start a whole argument here, but suffice it to say it wasn’t what I was expecting.

Another Three Kings proponent here.

Also The Fifth Element - I was absolutely expecting it to be pathetic but was surprised with how engaging it became.

Bruce Almighty.

Stay with me…

I had just seen Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, which I loved, but Jim Carrey was wasted in it as he played someone dull and emotionally repressed. Seeing Bruce Almighty reminded me of his comic talent, which granted consists of mugging and fart jokes, but is still worth a few chuckles. This makes me wonder what forces conspire to put comedic actors into serious roles.

By no means was Bruce Almighty a great film, but it didn’t suck.

Forrest Gump. Didn’t watch it in the theater…finally rented it because my wife wanted to see it and didn’t leave my seat for three hours. Great movie.