What movie line sticks with you for no reason?

Gene Hackman says to a woman hold a gun on him on top of a moving train:

“One thing I like about you, you’re tall.”

Then she is decapitated from behind when the train passes under a low bridge.

Just a few:

From Top Secret (with a rolling r fake foreign accent):
Souvenirrrs! Novelties! Parrrty Trricks!

From Aliens:
Bay twelve, please.

From Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life:
Get that, would you Dierdre?
(I say this whenever the phone rings)

From Sling Blade:
I like biscuits with some mustard.

Any line from Orgazmo. Among them:

“Read the script doooooder! Orgazmo’s little ray wont work on him, he’s Neutered Man, he has no balls.”

“Dammit Ben, I’m not a superhero, I’m a Latterday Saint!”

“Ben! Hampster-style. Do your Hampster-style!”

Oh, how could I forget
The Outlaw Josey Wales
“You gonna pull them pistols, or whistle Dixie?”

“Free gratis courtesy of the Wolf City Development Corporation”–Cat Ballou
“It’s the brain drain . . . his brain is draining.”–Help!

(I don’t get out to the movies much.)

From The Shawshank Redemption

“Get busy livin’ or get busy dieing”
-Andy Defresne

Inmate: “How did your parole hearing go?”
Red: “Same shit, different day.”
Inmate: “Yea, I’m up for rejection next week.”

the first line in The Blues Brothers

“well, this is it.”

From the Adventures of Priscilla Queen of the Desert:

“That’s just what Australia needs. A cock in a frock on a rock.”

And from Army of Darkness:

“Gimme some sugar, baby” (also Bruce Campbell’s favorite line)

From Speed
the scene where the bus is going to the airport so they can drive in circles around the runway.

The tourist guy(did he even have a name?): “The aiport? But I already 'seen the airport!”

From Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory:

Willy Wonka: The suspense is terrible. I hope it lasts.


Elliot: He’s a man from outer space and we’re taking him to his spaceship.
Greg: Well, can’t we just beam him up?
Elliot: This is reality, Greg.


Ferdinand (the duck): Humans don’t eat roosters…why? They make eggs with the hens and wake everyone up in the morning.
Babe: Right
Ferdinand: I tried it with the hens: it didn’t work.


Three gangsters are in a car on the Atlantic City Expressway(?)
and the driver stops the car to take a leak.
As he does his buisness, the guy in the back shoots the guy in the passenger seat.
The Pisser comes back and says,

“Leave the gun…take the canolis.”


“Hey Ma’, look at my shoes. Aren’t they great?”
“Michael, you look like a gangster.”

In a movie about Mark Twain: “There is nothing as satisfying as having the luxury of taking one’s time disposing of property.”

The man they killed was Pauly. Shortly after, Sonny asks “How’s Pauly?” The fat guy replys “OH, Pauly. You won’t see him no more.” It was so matter-of-fact. I piss myself everytime.


“Joe lies…Joe li-ies…Joe lies, when he cries…”

“Bitches, man. Bitches”

" That’ll never be me. That’ll never be me. Never be. Never be and don’t you ever think it!"

The 1960’s Batman Movie

Batman: “Some days, you just can’t get rid of a bomb.”

This line was lifted from an interview with Alfred Hitchcock. It’s one of my favorites, too.

“Yeah. I get that a lot.”[sup]1[/sup]

Whenever I meet a member of the Kevin Smith cult, I point them to Metropolitan for some truly great dialog.

[sub]1-It’s a movie quote, another one I use a lot. No one ever gets it, and assumes I’m just a snob. Serious brownie points to whomever can identify its first usage.

is eating the kids food from kahuna burger

butthe one i use a lot is " might i partake of your tasty beverage "

note i havent sene it in about a year so i might have it misquoted

Here I Go…

Major League:
“Hats for Bats. Keep Bats Warm.” - Serrano
“I can no hit curveball. Straightball, I hit it very much. Curveball, bats are afraid.” - Serrano
“Tis very bad to steal Jobu’s rum.” - Serrano
“Ball four, ball eight, ball sixteen and he walks the bases loaded.” - Annouuncer

“Would you like a cookie?” - Oracle to Neo.

South Park

“My bad sir, I missed lunch!”

** The Matrix**

“What were you doing?”

The Stoned Age

“Just some dude”

Office Space

“This is a fuck!”

Idle Hands

“It was really far”

“Don’t you watch the news?”, “I hate that fuckin’ show”


“Where? Like in the back of a Volkswagen?”


“No time for love Dr. Jones”
(Loose quote from the Temple of Doom)

Pulp Fiction

“Mmmmm, that IS a tasty burger!”
“I’m a mushroom cloud laying mother fucker, mother fucker!”
“Well, let’s not start suckin’ each others dicks quite yet”
Way too many more to list.


“Ya know, I don’t wanna sound like a queer or nothin, but unicorns kick ass!”

(Dave the lighting guy is my hero)
Way way way too many more to list. I might even stop by later to post some more if I think of some more really really good ones.

Now a question of etiquette: As I pass, do I give you the ass or the crotch?


That’s right. One can make all kinds of explosives using simple household items.


If one were so inclined. [I use this one regularly]