Officer Wilson is the police officer who shot Michael Brown in Ferguson. There are several threads on the board about this shooting and the grand jury findings in the case, so we don’t need to discuss those issues except as they related to this thread. As it stands, Officer Wilson will not face any charges for homicide. The Feds are apparently investigating to see if he violated Brown’s rights, but apparently that is an uphill battle for them. Wilson may also face a civil case for wrongful death too, but that hasn’t been filed. This thread is about what’s next, in your humble opinion, for Officer Wilson.
Can Officer Wilson return to police work? Will any department actually want him? Can he escape having his name associated with this case and the problems its caused? Will he be like Zimmerman, forever haunted by his actions? What do you think the rest of Officer Wilson’s life will be like now that this has happend?
Maybe a wealthy benefactor will quietly help Wilson go to college and get a fresh start in life.
He said in his ABC interview that he wants to return to a normal life, and he will not be “haunted by” what happened (George Snuffleupagus asked him that very question). He believes he did the right thing and would do it again, even if it were a white person.
I guess he has to tell himself that, whether he truly believes it or not.
It will take a while to do his book and book tour.
Isn’t the preponderance of the evidence standard of a civil trial a higher standard than the probable cause standard that must be met for a grand jury to return a true bill? Wouldn’t the inability to get an indictment be kind of a nail in the coffin for a civil wrongful death suit?
IANAL, but I’m going to guess the two are not related. I don’t see much of a chance of the family recovering regardless as Brown doesn’t really have clean hands in the matter. Perhaps one of the boards legal minds can answer that.
In my opinion, and I’m not a lawyer, no. There’s no obstacle to bringing a civil suit. It didn’t stop O. J. Simpson from being sued and having a judgment against him, even though he was acquitted in his criminal trial.
(never mind)
Last I heard he’d gotten more than a half million dollars in donations; he won’t have to do much for quite some time unless he feels like it. After that? A book tour or something similar does sound likely.
I think he is now qualified to be a pundit on Fox News. So he has that going for him (which is nice).
It’s not an obstacle per se, but I think it’s a bit different. Simpson was acquitted under “no reasonable doubt” at trial, Wilson didn’t even make it to the trial.
I don’t think that there is a place for him to effectively enforce the law in Ferguson, Missouri. I doubt there is anywhere in Missouri. The blue wall might keep him from ever seeing jail, but hire his ass? Doubtful.
“Later today on FOX News, watch ‘Shepard Smith Reporting’, hosted by Shepard Smith. Then ‘On the Record w/ Greta Van Susteren’.
Followed by ‘The O’Reilly Factor’, hosted by Bill O’Reilly. And last but not least ‘Center Mass with Darren Wilson’; Fox’s Race Relations Correspondent.”
He may well have to move, now that the NY Times has published his home address.
Probably this. How to Kill Darkies and Profit.
Wonder how many people saw that or took note of it? Or if anyone grabbed a screen shot or saved the image. It’s been taken down by now.
I could have sworn they said recently that he had no intent on trying to continuing to be a police officer in Ferguson.
And while putting his address up in public is bad, I will say that, knowing his name and the town he lives in, that would not have been remotely difficult for those interested to figure it out. Plus the people most upset are local.
As of right now, the information is still available directly through the NY Times. They will, of course, deny any responsibility should his (or any of the other homes nearby) suffer from a drive by or other attack. The only thing the NY Times removed was an image of their marriage license.
I thought that’s where the home address information was. I didn’t see it elsewhere in the article.
Okay, re-reading the article: I see it tells what street he lives on, but I don’t see the street address. Maybe even just the street name is TMI.
That’s very handsome of you.