What non-alcoholic drink do non-drinkers order in bars?

Isn’t a Shirley Temple 7up and grenadine, not cherry juice?

That’s my bar non-alcoholic drink of choice.

I always just drink water if I’m not going after something more potent.

The last time I was in a bar was during a time when I was so unwell I was practically living on ginger ale. Coincidentally ginger ale is the only type of pop I like. So when I ordered it, I wondered what they’d given me because it didn’t taste like ginger ale. It didn’t taste like much of anything. Then I read somewhere (probably a thread here) that if you order ginger ale in bars they cheat and give you watered down coke. Since everything is watered down, they figure it’s close enough. Know any other bar tricks to watch out for?

A Virgin Mary is good - a Bloody Mary without the vodka.

Diet Coke or mineral water. I don’t like watered down coke, which is why I take it without ice. I can’t imagine it’d taste like ginger ale, though.

I had always heard that if you’ve been a First-Class Ass to the bartender make sure they don’t put a couple of drops of Murine Eye Drops in your drink as it would cause sever diarrhea. This however appears to be untrue according to Snopes that point out that while diarrhea is unlikely, many severe symptoms or death are possible.
Other than that, I got nuthin’.

I thought I was the only one who liked cranberry juice and club soda! I never thought of adding a lime wedge however. Hmmm, maybe tomorrow night I’ll take a walk on the wild side and add some citrus to my fizzy cranberry juice.

I try to order sprite or 7-up whenever I am out, but if it is a place where people will bust my ass for not drinking I will order a virgin margarita or something like that. If my drink is frozen and the rim is covered in salt people don’t typically give me too much trouble for not drinking.

Why don’t you just order whatever the heck you feel like drinking? It’s not a test. The bartender’s not going to call you a sissy like in some old Western movie.

Generally soda, ice tea or bottled water are available or anything that people mix with alchohol.

Diet coke.

Why? (Other than it’s a pretty silly thing to drink in a bar, that is.)

Are you legally mandated as an undercover agent to tell them the truth? If they move their nose over your drink to sniff it, you have license to punch them in the face IMO as they’re risking biological contamination of your drink. Or you could, you know, not go to a bar. If you’re not going to drink, can I have your legally mandated ability to go there?

I generally get club soda with an orange twist, but I’ve also been known to get crazy and get a virgin daiquiri, but I tend to watch the bartender make it so I know the blender is clean and there is no alcohol accidentally added.

IMHO, the whole “club soda with lime” thing for recovering alcoholics comes from the fact that it doesn’t taste much like anything, so the alcoholic isn’t as likely to have a trigger effect. OTOH, many recovering alcoholics (especially new ones) tend to avoid that situation to begin with.


In British pubs, orange or lemon Squash.

In American bars, a virgin version of a mixed drink, usually a daquiri.

My daughter doesn’t like the taste of alcohol, though she’ll cook with wine. She loves virgin daquiris. As for me, if I’m not drinking alcohol for whatever reason, I’ll drink whatever else strikes my fancy. I am particularly fond of diet Sprite or 7 Up with a little orange juice. The OJ cuts the diet taste of the soda.

cranberry juice and club soda, with a lime wedge sounds good.

Usually I order a coke or water.

Virgin daquiri, diet soda, or cranberry/orange juice.

I would like to point out that this is not a major problem. You go in, order what you like, and drink it. There is no bar on the planet where you can’t get something nonalcoholic.

A coke. Or water if I’m hungover.


I think it all started in this thread:

This topic recently came up in the thread about innocuous subjects that spawned bile-drenched flamefests.

This happens to us all the time (Mr. K is a ginger ale drinker). I always ask if it’s real, and if not, we go the Sprite route.

I’ll second Helen’s in that I’m not ashamed to be ordering a Shirley Temple at age forty.

I used to order tonic and lime, until The Broiler Market brought me one with gin!!! I took a sip (surprised I didn’t smell it) and flushed immediately. It almost made me feel guilty, but I don’t consider a mix-up a slip unless I downed it! and I didn’t - freaked out though!