Let’s have a little quiz. You see someone reading a book that you just finished.
What do you say to that person?
A. “Oh, I just read that book! It was really good. I hope you enjoy it.”
B. “I just read that book! Did you get to the part where BIG MASSIVE FUCKING SPOILER happens yet? I couldn’t believe it when OTHER BIG MASSIVE FUCKING SPOILER happened. Too bad, I really liked that character. Wait till you get to the end - I won’t ruin it, but there’s a HUGE twist. A really huge twist. It’s not YET ANOTHER BIG MASSIVE FUCKING SPOILER, but a twist you’ll never see coming!”
If you answered ‘A,’ congratulations. You’re a civilized human being, and may continue to live and breathe with the rest of the normal people. I wish I could reward you with a Never-Ending Gift Card to your favorite bookstore, but my funds are limited.
If you answered ‘B’ then… WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM? We’re living in a society! You have the social skills of a baboon, and are not fit to live among civilized people. Don’t ruin a book like that, you fucking moron! Look where the bookmark is in the book… only about a third of the way through. Why would you mention ANYTHING AT ALL in the book when the person reading it obviously is not finished? Why would you prattle on and on about a huge twist? That just gives it away, you asswipe. Stop breathing my air! Get out of my library! Stay away from my bookstore! Get out of my used bookstore! Don’t touch my books!
And stop breathing my air!
When you end up in Hell (and I know you will), I hope all the books there are Harlequin Romances with the last ten pages torn out.