What percent of the population do you find attractive


For women 20-50, I’d say I consider about 50% attractive and 60% I’d do.

These percentages go way up when I’m at a mall or downtown DC during the day; like 75%.

My answer is about the same, though I’d drop males to about 10 or 15%.

I’d say it’s less than that. Maybe 5%.

Overall, most people just aren’t attractive to me.

:eek: :o

Umm, around 85%, to be honest.

::slinks out of thread::

Heterosexual male. The answer is very age-dependant. I am in my mid-thirties.

Percentage of women within 15 years of my age that I find physically attractive in some way:
About 75%

Percentage of women within 15 years of my age that really knock my socks off:
About 25%

If you’re not bound by the supermodel/Hollywood actress stereotype, beautiful women are everywhere.

Using EarthStone777’s formulation:

% of females (age-filtered as per OP instrux) that I find physically attractive = 85%
% of females I find mentally/socially/personality attractive, i.e., girlfriend-material = 7%

That really expressed in a nicely compact nutshell why I do all my courtship via long wordy personals and email exchanges. Never really thought of putting it that way, but it’s true: going into some venue (club, bar, etc) where it is expected that the male is going to initiate flirtatious contact based on appearance is next to useless to me. I’m superficially attracted to so many people that it’s spectacularly non-special, and those venues are lousy places to explore the worldview-compatibility & other relevant stuff…

I’d say 1%. Start with the 50% female population, then figure only about 10% of them are of age to be attractive, and only 1/5 of them actually are. A fifth of a tenth of a half = 1/100.

I thought it was specified in the OP that the percent refers to “of the sex and age-range that you are generically / potentially attracted to”. As opposed to being the percent of the population as a whole.

You are so right and I was so wrong. After gender and age, I’d say 20%.

I am female

I find about 50% of men physically attractive
I find about 25-30% mentally attractive
I have never had a “one night stand” and don’t think I’d be interested, (although I enjoy no strings attached sex, but always with people I have a friendship with, go figure)

I find about 20% percent of the female population attractive, but I rarely make out with girls anymore.

The funny thing is, of that 50% of men, almost none of them are the type of guys people would consider traditionally attractive. I can’t stand that chiseled, muscles, tall handsome guy. I just always see “jerk”. But show me a shortish guy with messy hair and glasses (I LOVE glasses) and I’ll just swoon.

I’ve never kept track. Now I have to get a notebook to collect data. Like I can afford that.

Heterosexual male here. The percent of females I find atractive varies a good bit in relation to how much a I have had to drink. :frowning:

Anywhere from 20 - 90 percent.

Female here, 27. Married straight.

Males - 15%
Females - 80%

Isn’t this highly dependent on where you are at a given point in time? If I’m at the beach, I’d say that literally 90% of the women in my age range are attractive. If I’m grocery shopping, it probably drops to 20%. Are these real differences or is it all in my perception? I dunno. Overall, I’m going to guess 40%, and spend much, much more time at the beach.

I’m a female in my late fifties. The older I get, the wider my range of attractiveness seems to be. I’d say that I probably find 75% of people somewhat attractive, if we’re speaking solely of physical appearance. Maybe if I live long enough, I’ll eventually include my own appearance in the “attractive” category.

Female, 32.

I have to agree with pinkfreud… the older I get, the more attractive people seem to me in general.

attractive - 10-15%
unattractive - ~10%

Everyone else gets lumped together as “normal” and I don’t really think much about their looks at all.

It depends. Age and your ability to attract the opposite sex have a lot to do with who you find attractive. If you’re 25-35 year old man, I doubt you’d find many 40+ year old women attractive.

I myself only find about 10% of the opposite sex as attractive. My reason is there are a heck of a lot more people older than 40 than there are people ranging from 25-35.

In the 25-35 year old age group, I view about 33% as attractive.

Not very many. In my age group, maybe 10%. Outside my age group, maybe 1%.

I’m female and straight. And picky, apparently.

Just to clarify, I meant sexually attractive. I think at least half the population is quite nice looking, I’m just not attracted to them. There are, in my experience, few truly ugly people, and my evaluation of anyone’s looks tends to be heavily skewed by their behaviour- are they nice, or jerks?