What percentage of dopers take these debates WAY too personal?

It is hard to know how many tears have been shed because of taking comments too personally and hurt feelings or egos.

But taking GD too SERIOUSLY…now that’s a different question!

You know that neighbor network icon that is always on your desktop and don’t do shit? I couldn’t figure out how to get rid of it so I renamed it Wast O’ Space. Coincidence?

You decide.

Can I help it if I’m a TYPE A personality?

WHAT! This thread isn’t good enough for your precious forum?!?!?

I always wanted to say that. :smiley:

Ferrous, you spelled grievous wrong. You should be Banned!

If you put someone on your ignore list Eve, doesn’t that kinda negate all the fun of hating them?

Yeah, but it says in the Bible that…

I am not going to waste my 100th post by getting involved in this sort of inane discussion, when there are so many more vital issues which need to be examined.


Bumbazine, how dare you point out a spelling error of mine?

That’s it, you’re on the list!

:: fingers in ears ::

I can’t hear you!

[singing] La La La La LA La LA LA La La [/singing]

Nah, I’d never take a debate too seriously. Are you saying I take debates too seriously? Why, you rat-felching…:wink:

Well, I’m e-mailing every single moderator and having everyone in this thread BANNED!!!

Including yourself? Wow, you really do take these things too personally…

“…way too personalLY…”!

[sub]tsk tsk tsk[/sub]

:::::awaiting Pit grammar police thread:::::

If I put all the mods and admins on my Ignore list, does that mean I can never be banned?